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“Dynamic Yunnan”, a grand original primitive song and dance medley, is to be staged on April 11th in Poly Theatre, Beijing.

“Down with local tyrants and evil gentry ----what type of working attitude is it? 中学生:打倒土豪劣绅---你这什么工作态度?
“Draw what you need for the field. “看看你们都需要什么。”
“Druther break cayuses any day, and twice on Sundays,” was the reply of the driver, as he climbed on the wagon and started the horses. “他这一手可以用来训练野马,星期天来两次都行。”运输工一边回答,一边爬上货车,起动了马达。
“During the fever, the child became delirious and said some strange things. (这个孩子在发高烧时说胡话,讲了一些奇怪的事。)
“Dusty “ Tremwick , Grosvenor Park's sure-fingered center copped the individual scoring honors with a season's grand ( and we do mean grand ) total of 376points . “尘土”特雷姆威克,格罗斯文诺公园队的中锋神投手以一个赛季总分376分的好成绩(确实是好成绩)荣获个人得分第一名。
“Dynamic Yunnan”, a grand original primitive song and dance medley, is to be staged on April 11th in Poly Theatre, Beijing. 大型原生态民族歌舞《云南映象》将于4月11日在北京保利剧院上演。
“EVER since the 11th century, when the Arabs were ejected, Malta has looked to the north,” says its central-bank governor, Michael Bonello. “自公元11世纪,阿拉伯人在被驱逐的那个时候起,马耳他人已经在觊觎北方了。”
“EVERYONE was waiting, some with sadness and others with oligarchic glee, for the crumbling of the Cuban Revolution.” So says Fidel Castro this week in the latest of a series of articles published in Granma, the official Communist Party newspaper. “如今每个人都期待着古巴革命的彻底粉碎,一些人悲喜焦急而却给另一些寡头派政客们带来了欢乐”。
“Each day for the next month, we shall sing to our plant on the mantel,” she said. “We will tell it with words how much we love it, how beautiful it is. “下个月的每一天,我们都要对着放在壁架上的这株常春藤唱歌,“她说,“我们要对它说我们非常爱它,它非常美。
“Each year,” he replied with a grin, “the upperclassmen ask the freshmen how many bricks it took to finish paving this courtyard. “每年,”他咧着嘴笑道,“高年级学生都要问一年级新生铺完这个院子的路面要用多少块砖。”
“Early bird gathers no moss, rolling stone catches the worm , right? “滚石不生苔,早起的鸟有虫吃。”

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