This example demonstrates how to use the base tag to let all the links on a page open in a new window.
这个例子演示了怎么去让一个页面中的所有连接目标从一个新窗口打开。 |
This example demonstrates how to write text with ASP.
这个例子将告诉我们如何用ASP写一段文本。 |
This example demonstrates how you can format text in an HTML document.
这个例子演示了怎样在HTML中去格式化文字。 |
This example demonstrates how you can nest lists.
这个案例展示了嵌套列表。 |
This example demonstrates the use of a pushbutton as a switch: each time you press the button, the LED (or whatever) is turned on (if it's off) or off (if on).
这例子示範操作自动化开关:当你按按钮时,发光二极管(俗称LED灯)或其他东西,如果是关掉的会被开启或如果是开著的会被关掉。 |
This example demonstrates the various aspects of changing the text of the tool tips at runtime.
这个例子演示了在运行时修改工具提示的文本颜色的各种概念。 |
This example does not have great utility.
在这个例子并没有什么实际意义。 |
This example illustrates that objects can work together without knowing each other, as long as there is someone around to set up a connection between them initially.
这个例子讲解了对象可以在不知道对方的情况下协同工作,只要在他们初始化时为他们建立连接。 |
This example illustrates the feasibility and the reliability of solving the new constitutive relationship for stress and strain based on general tensile curves.
然后以某材料为例介绍了建立该新型模型的方法,并对其误差进行了分析。 |
This example implements the script when the user clicks either check box.
下面的例子就是用户单击复选框时调用的脚本。 |
This example is a cross-browser example on how to load and parse an XML string.
这个案例是一个跨浏览器的案例,它解释了加载并解析一个XML字符串的方法。 |