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Intrigued, the prince picked the first doll and put the string into the ear. It came out from the other.

Intricate as it is, there are certain threads that run through Mr Taylor's argument. 尽管泰勒先生的论据错综复杂,但仍有头绪可寻。
Intrigue continued to surround the conduct of KPMG, with the league hinting at legal action. The board expressed concern at the handling of the process by the administrators and the chairman was instructed to obtain legal advice in that regard,the league 毕马威公司遭遇的麻烦还没完,联赛委员会就暗示可能会对他们采取法律手段,他们说:“董事会表达了他们对待这件事整个过程的关注,而利兹俱乐部主席也被通知在这件事上需要一些法律建议。”
Intrigue might smell great, but it didn't make a girl attractive to men. 诱人的气味也许与众不同,但还不足以增添女孩于对男人的吸引力。
Intrigue: Move 2 more Caballeros from your court to any region. 诡计:玩家可额外将2名廷臣放到任何地域或城堡中。
Intrigue: Move any 4 of your own Caballeros on the board! 诡计:玩家可在图板上,将最多4名自己的骑士,放到任何地域或城堡中。
Intrigued, the prince picked the first doll and put the string into the ear. It came out from the other. 王子来了兴致,拿起第一个布娃娃,把线穿了进去,线从另一个耳朵里出来了。
Intriguing, perhaps, but neither stands to gain much from such a restricted encounter. 也许这令人着迷,但不要在那里停留,以期望从这样一个受限制的遭遇中获得很多收获。
Intriguing. TeII me more. What's your background? 有意思。告诉我你的背景。
Intriguingly, similar ideas crop up in mainstream theories. 有趣的是,类似的想法在主流理论之中已有斩获。
Intriguingly, that did not apply to birds that used melanin, another pigment, in their plumage, nor to those that employed iridescence—which is a result of the structure of feathers, rather than their chemistry. 更有意思的是,这一情况在给自己的翅膀上黑色素(另一种色素)的鸟那里并不适用,同样也不适用于彩虹色的鸟,彩虹色的鸟并不是因为化学品而呈现其颜色,而是由于它们羽毛结构的缘故。
Intriguingly, the glutamate studies could strengthen that old nonpharmaceutical standby: behavioral therapy. 有趣的是,麸胺酸的研究成果强化了传统的非药物治疗手段——行为疗法。

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