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Huikuri HV, Ylitalo A, Pikkuamsa SM, et al. Heart rate variability in systemic hypertension. Am J Cardiol,1996,77(12):1073.

Huihui: No. Some people write riddles, paste them on the lanterns, and invite the guests to solve the riddles. 不是。有些人写谜题,黏在灯笼上,然后邀请来宾来猜谜题。
Huihui: Well, my mom and I need to go all the way to Di Hua Street to get some holiday foods like rice cakes, turnip cakes, Chinese sausages, dried fruits, and lots of candy. 嗯,我妈和我必须特地到迪化街去买些应景的食物,像是年糕、萝卜糕、香肠、乾果、还有一堆糖果。
Huihui: You just said death.And it's unlucky to talk about death during the New Year holiday. You're supposed to say something lucky. 妳刚刚说了「死」。而在新年假期期间说到死是不吉利的。妳应该说些吉利一点的话。
Huijia-CACB GAC International College guides you through the enrolment process for the school or university you choose to study at. 汇佳澳华GAC国际高中引导你顺利进入自己选择的学校或者大学学习。
Huijia-CACB GAC International College provides a coeducational boarding school based secondary education for Year 9 to Year 12 students. 汇佳澳华GAC国际高中是一所提供初三至高三课程的寄宿制国际高中。
Huikuri HV, Ylitalo A, Pikkuamsa SM, et al. Heart rate variability in systemic hypertension. Am J Cardiol,1996,77(12):1073. 王虹艳,马玉荣,赵秀莲,等.高血压左室肥厚患者心率变异及动态血压分析.心功能杂志,1998,10(2):72.
Huili aluminum alloy rolling curtain, gate and window, steel anti-fire rolling curtain and sun shading rolling curtain are in construction professionals and enterprise grace and we get several tenders of many main projects. 汇丽铝合金卷帘门窗、钢质防火卷帘门、遮阳系列产品倍受建筑界和企业界的青睐,在众多重点工程中屡屡中标。
Huiller refused genially, as he did everything else. 郝尔的拒绝是很婉转的,这人无往而不婉转。
Huilong Plastics Machinery Co.,Ltd.is a specialized company in the production of two-step automatic and semi-automatic stretch-blow molding machines, automatic thermoforming machines and various auxiliary preform, bottle and thermoforming moulds.Besides,t 慧龙塑料机械有限公司是一家融两步法全自动、半自动吹瓶机、全自动热成型机以及配套的各种瓶坯、吹瓶和热成型模具为一体的专业生产公司,同时还致力于为客户提供吹瓶机、热成型机生产线的设计、制作、安装与调试服务。
Huiyuan Stone Material and Artwork Factory is a professional enterprise to make stone Furniture,agglomerate furniture and special shape stone material.The factory is located at Antang Town Industry Developing Zonethe Stone material Basic of China,with adv 汇源工艺厂是生产家具石材、聚脂石材家私及异型石材加工的专业企业,本厂位于全国石材基地中心的广东省云浮市镇安镇工业开发区,拥有先进生产设备和高素质的专业技术人才,严格的管理制度。
Huizhou store 23,000 sq.m. is located in the commercial center of Huicheng district in Huizhou city.With its pliasant and comfortable environment,top brand and convenient location,Huizhou store is becoming the flagship of modern tasteful and fashionable d 惠州天虹商场位于惠州市惠城区商业中心,商场面积23000平方米,凭借优越的位置、舒适的环境、便捷的交通和一流的品牌,惠州将成为惠州品位、时尚的商业旗舰。

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