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Should the ax glorify itself above him who chops with it?

Should the Vessel hereby insured come into collision with or receive salvage services from another vessel belonging wholly or in part to the same Owners or under the same management, the Assured shall have the same rights under this insurance as they woul 如果保险船舶与全部或部分属于同一所有人所有,或在同一管理下的另一船舶碰撞,或接受该船的救助服务,被保险人应享有的权利,与另一船完全属于与保险船舶无关的第三者时被保险人接本保险所应享有的权利相同;但在此种情况下,有关碰撞责任及救助费用数额的确定,应提交给一个保险人和被保险人双方同意的独任仲裁员裁决。
Should the West root unreservedly for Soviet success? Or should Western economic support turn on Soviet political behavior at home and abroad? Western politicians weight the choice, but it's a false choice: the leverage doesn't exist. 西方应该毫无保留地支持苏联使其成功吗?或者西方的经济支援是否应视苏联在国内外政治行为来决定?西方政客们权衡他们的选择,可是这项选择是错误的。西方对苏联的制衡并不存在。
Should the application break or crash? 应用程序是被终止还是被破坏?
Should the auction of state-owned assets require the evaluation according to law or in accordance with State Council provisions, such assets shall be evaluated by an evaluation agency established according to law and the retentive price of an auction targ 拍卖国有资产,依照法律或者按照国务院规定需要评估的,应当经依法设立的评估机构评估,并根据评估结果确定拍卖标的的保留价。
Should the auctioneer accept a trust, he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee. 拍卖人接受委托的,应当与委托人签订书面委托拍卖合同。
Should the ax glorify itself above him who chops with it? 15斧岂可向用斧砍伐的自夸呢?
Should the borrowing not be able to abtained in the way refered to above, the Board shall separately request funds from each Party hereto pro rata its capital contribution to the Joint Venture. 如果不能按上述方式获得借款,董事会将按合同各方各自在合资公司中的资本比例向合同各方另外征集资金。
Should the boy come again, I would throw him out. 要是那男孩在来,我就把他撵出去。
Should the button be removed or grayed out? 钮扣应该被移动或变灰色出吗?
Should the case be serious the State Administration for Industry and Commerce may impose a fine or confiscate the gold and silver. 情节严重的,由工商行政管理机关处以罚款或者没收。
Should the cases be serious the State Administration for Industry and Commerce may also impose a fine or simply confiscate the gold and silver. 情节严重的,工商行政管理机关可并处以罚款,或者单处以没收。

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