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Even the pine trees and the cedars of Lebanon exult over you and say, Now that you have been laid low, no woodsman comes to cut us down.

Even the old patchwork quilt is the same! 甚至这条旧的百衲被罩也是一样!
Even the old shop-houses were conserved and restored to its pristine condition with modern layout and styling. 即便是老式商店,既具有现代的陈列方式,又保存了原有的质朴感。
Even the patients who drank fewer than 14 cups a week had a 28 percent lower death rate than those who didn't drink any tea at all. 一本名为《消费报告》的杂志直接调查了瘦身人群,以期找出最有效的瘦身方式。
Even the people who help facilitate the process are noticing changes. 即使是经手这些申请的人也注意到了这些变化。
Even the phone will be connected to the Internet. 甚至电话将会被连接到英特网。
Even the pine trees and the cedars of Lebanon exult over you and say, Now that you have been laid low, no woodsman comes to cut us down. 8松树和利巴嫩的香柏树,都因你欢乐,说,自从你仆倒,再无人上来砍伐我们。
Even the plot which had been considered too salty ever to grow anything on brought in a thousand jin of grain last year. 就连那块被认为是不能种什么东西的盐碱地,去年也户了一千斤粮食。
Even the pop music that's produced and created in foreign countries has that American beat, that underscore of funk. 甚至在外国的国家被生产而且产生的流行音乐有那一拍美国打,低潮的那底线。
Even the popular boy wizard Harry Potter has to battle a deadly dragon and get back a golden egg from its nest in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. 甚至在著名的小说《哈里波特和火焰杯》里,小巫师哈里·波特也要打败一条凶恶的龙,从它的巢穴里抢回金蛋。
Even the producer forget to apply for the registration renewal, the law grant a6- month grace period. 连生产商都常常忘记申请注册续展,法律会给予6个月的宽限期。
Even the pros incorporate hitting the cue ball on its centre line into their practice routines. 即使是职业选手也会把直击主球球心练习作为其日常训练科目。

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