Pray for each fellowship and group. May God grant the strength to each leader and co-worker.
为各团契小组即将展开的新事工代祷,求神将感动与能力赐给所有带领的小组长及同工们。 |
Pray for each fellowship and group. May God grant the strength to each leader and coworker.
为各团契、小组在今年所要完成的目标及事工祷告,求神赐下感动与能力给所有带领的小组长及同工们。 |
Pray for me Saint …(name), for with fervour I come to thee, speedy helper and intercessor for my soul.
圣(某名),我满怀热忱向你奔赴,因你是我灵魂迅疾的援助者和代祷者。 |
Pray for me, Mother.
教母, 请为我祈祷吧. |
Pray for me, sinful and unworthy servant, that thou mayest present me worthy of the kindness and mercy of the All-holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and of all the Saints.
请为我这有罪而不配的仆役祈祷,好使我堪当蒙受至圣圣三,我主耶稣基督之母及诸圣的恩慈和怜悯。 |
Pray for our Mission Department leader Dr. Tung and plea the God give us the mind for outreach Gospel mission.
为本教会宣教部门负责人董医师祷告,也求神将向外传福音的心意,放在弟兄姊妹心中。 |
Pray for our Year 2007’s theme—“Devote yourself to prayer, Being watchful &Thankful” and pray we could renew ourselves follow by the season theme.
为新年度的总主题—“恒切祷告,儆醒感恩”来代祷,按照今年各季的主题不断的更新自己。 |
Pray for our caring ministry and the new fellowship; please call more and more coworkers to service.
为本教会的新人关怀事工及准备新成立的新小组祷告,求主兴起更多同工们起来参与服事。 |
Pray for our co-worker’s one day retreat on October 23rd. We have some important things to discuss and we need God's clear guidance.
请为我们同工10月23日那天的退修会代祷。我们有一些重要的事需要讨论,我们需要神清楚的带领。 |
Pray for our united service with Grace Church on May 30th. Ask the Lord to use this special time to bring honor and glory to Himself.
请为5月30日我们跟思恩堂联合崇拜祷告,求主用这特别的时间来荣耀尊崇祂。 |
Pray for our youth group and the parents whose have teenager children.
为本教会的青少年事工及家庭中有青少年子女的父母们代祷。 |