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How can you face the difficulty?

How can you deny the facts? 你怎么能否定事实呢?
How can you do well in an examination? 如何能使你考试考得好?
How can you encourage a child? 你怎样去鼓励孩子?
How can you expect a six-year-old child to sit by the computer studying the whole morning without a break? 8你怎么能要求一个6岁的孩子一上午坐在计算机旁学习也不休息一下?
How can you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies? 你自己都在撒谎,怎么能指望您的孩子们诚实?
How can you face the difficulty? 你如何面对困难?
How can you get rid of this oxide coating? 你们该怎样除去这些氧化皮?
How can you get the funding to set up your lab? 你现在只是一个学生,你怎么能确保5年后会拿到国家的投资建实验室呢?
How can you have 3)differentiation top 20, middle 70 and throw out the bottom 10 and have team work? 为什么挑出了最出色的20人,水平一般的70人和最差的10人,然后还能让团队运作呢?
How can you have the face to ask for more money when you do so little work? 你干这麽少工作还有脸多要钱?
How can you have the heart to drown such a darling little kittens? 你怎能那么忍心把这支可爱的小猫淹死?

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