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Scarcely had he arrived when he had to leave again.

Scarab beetle amulets portrayed the beetle\'s persistence in rolling a dung ball and the reemergence of the beetle from its hole in the ground. 圣甲虫护身符描绘了甲虫不断地滚动一个粪球以及它从地洞里再度出现。
Scarabs were also used as seals by officials. 圣甲虫也被当作官员的封印使用。
Scarabs were made from a wide variety of materials such as carnelian, lapis lazuli, basalt, limestone, schist, turquoise, ivory, resin, steatite, and bronze. 圣甲虫由多种多样的材料例如玛瑙,天青石,玄武岩,石灰石,片岩,绿宝石,象牙,树脂,滑石和青铜做成。
Scaramanga: You should have done that when you first saw me. But then, of course, the English don't consider it sporting to kill in cold blood, do they? 史卡拉孟加:你在第一次见到我时便应这样做。但是,当然啦,英国人不认为冷血地杀人有体育精神,不是吗?
Scarcely any of the students did well on the test. 学生的测试成绩几乎都不好。
Scarcely had he arrived when he had to leave again. 他刚刚到达就不得不又离开。
Scarcely had she entered the room when the phone rang. 她刚一进屋就听到电话响.
Scarcely had she heard the sad story when she burst out crying. 她一听到这悲伤的消息,就失声痛哭。
Scarcely has a foreigner set foot in the United States before they ask him what he thinks of the country. 一个外国人刚踏上美国国土,他们就问他对这个国家的感想.
Scarcely have they been planted, Scarcely have they been sown, Scarcely has their stock taken root in the earth, But He merely blows on them, and they wither, And the storm carries them away like stubble. 赛40:24他们是刚才栽上、〔刚才或作不曾下同〕刚才种上、根也刚才扎在地里、他一吹在其上、便都枯乾、旋风将他们吹去、像碎秸一样。
Scarcity mea that society has le to offer than people wish to have. 不足意味着社会的供应不能满足人们的期望值。

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