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[I don't see unless it was an absolute dire exigency where we would ever consider mas graves.

[G] Of course, the pharmaceutical companies will scream. 当然,医药公司就会大喊大叫了。
[GoF] Gamma etc., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley 1995. 中文版:《设计模式:可复用面向对象软件的基础》,李英军等译,机械工业出版社2000年。
[Helen brings Buster to get a haircut. (海伦带伙计去理发。)
[How could you stand her being late?] I once asked Jacky Chan. 「你怎麽忍她这种习惯?」有次问成龙。
[Hunter] Raptors can now learn Dash. 猎人:迅猛龙现在可以学习突进。
[I don't see unless it was an absolute dire exigency where we would ever consider mas graves. 除非它是我们将会曾经考虑妈墓穴的一个绝对的可怕紧急,否则我没见到。
[I mean, what else'll make you love him so much! when he's like an ocean away? He must be a super star! 我是说,不然怎么会让你这么爱他呢?当他离这里这么远的时候?他肯定是个超级巨星!
[I took a break and listened to the recording of the conversation thus far . 我暂时中断了谈话,听一听到目前为止所录下来的对话。
[I'm sure you are staying.] Naraku whispered softly. [但我相信你将一直留在这里。]奈落轻轻的说。
[I'm] waiting for [my] [idol] to [arrive]. (我正在等待我的偶像出现。)
[I]How are you day-to-day, do you get headaches, do you feel sick? 你现在每天都怎样,你有没有头疼或觉得恶心?

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