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This refrigerate doesn′t seem to be very even. Just put a block of wood under its bottom.

This reflects the emotionals aspects of third dimension - love very fear and hate. 这投射出第三维度的情感外貌——爱非常畏惧,还有憎恨。
This reflects the general trend away from formality inherent in modern society. 这反映了现代社会固有的大趋势——脱离古板。
This reflects the way in which Microsoft's dominance is slowly being eroded. 这反映了微软的统治地位正在慢慢地被侵蚀。
This reform had made some achievements in raising government efficiency, reducing the expenditure, deregulating, and increasing the public confidence in the government, and so on, while the achievement in planning management and relating budget with perfo 改革在提高政府效率、节约开支、放松规制和增强公众对政府的信心等方面取得了一定的成效,但在计划管理和实现绩效与预算挂钩等方面没有达到预期的效果。
This reformation on pension system is a historical progress. 这次养老金制度变革是一次历史性进步。
This refrigerate doesn′t seem to be very even. Just put a block of wood under its bottom. 这台冰箱似乎放不平,在冰箱的底下放一块木头吧。
This refrigerator is guaranteed for five years. 这个冰箱保用5年。
This region abounds (=is rich)in coal iron ore. 这个地区煤和铁石很丰富。
This region is characterized by one of the largest groups of churches and monasteries of the former Byzantine Empire. 这个地区是拜占庭帝国最大的教堂和修道院群之一。
This region is deep, with complicated and important anatomical structures, and can be the site of many diseases. 该区位置深在,解剖结构重要而复杂,是很多疾病发生的部位。
This region is renowned for tea and silk. 这一地区因产茶和蚕丝而出名。

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