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A sudden wind brought down a nearby branch, scraping my cheek. I woke up. I was surprised at my daydreaming.

A sudden smile illuminated her face. 突然的微笑使她容光焕发。
A sudden storm ruled out the boat race. 突如其来的暴风雨使得划船比赛没法进行。
A sudden terrible shriek froze the passenger to the spot. 突然一声可怕的尖叫吓得过路的人愣住了。
A sudden visit or attack; an onslaught. 猛攻突然拜访(或攻击);猛攻
A sudden whim to buy a cream cake. 去买奶油蛋糕的一个突然的怪念头,。
A sudden wind brought down a nearby branch, scraping my cheek. I woke up. I was surprised at my daydreaming. 阵风过处,近旁枝叶频触面颊惊动了我,讶异自己多年来仍挥不去处于现实中的梦幻。
A sudden, large increase in the birthrate, especially the one in the United States after World War II from 1947 through 1961. 婴儿潮出生率突然、大幅度的增长,尤指从1947年到1961年二次世界大战后美国的出生率.
A sudden, usually drastic failure of a computer system. 一种突然的,严重的计算机故障。
A suffering animal is a distressing sight . 看到动物受痛苦是很难受的。
A suffering animal is a distressing sight. 看到动物受痛苦是很难受的。
A sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of compactly supported orthogonal vector-valued wavelets is deriven by means of paraunitary vector filter hank theory and matrix theory. 运用矩阵理论与仿酉向量滤波器理论,给出了向量值正交小波存在的充要条件。

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