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This Chinese web page of Mysticweb offers free online course on various proven techniques for Astral Travel to gain mystical and esoteric information for self-knowledge and spiritual development.

This Chablis Premier Cru is made by DAUVISSAT, one of the big names in the whole of Bourgogne. 这莎比丽高级酒由DAUVISSAT酿制,是整个布根地的大品牌之一。
This Chardonnay has lifted aromas of grapefruits, crisp pears, grilled nuts and toast. 特色:这款霞多丽具有扑面的葡萄、酥梨、烤坚果以及烤面包的香气。
This Charter reaffirms, with due regard for the powers and tasks of the Community and the Union and the principle of subsidiarity, the rights as they result, in particular, from the constitutional traditions and international obligations common to the Mem 基于尊重欧洲共同体与欧洲联盟之权力与职掌及辅助原则之前提,本宪章再次确认这些权利,因为这些权利源自于会员国共同之宪政传统与国际义务、欧洲联盟条约、欧洲共同体各条约、欧洲保护人权与基本自由公约、欧洲共同体与欧洲理事会所通过之各社会宪章及欧洲共同体法院与欧洲人权法院之判决。
This China and America holding company face the national employment advertise was near the end, obtained interviews the notice applicant, the company organizes in two weeks to arrange to interview. 此次中美控股面向全国招聘已接近尾声,已得到面试通知的应聘者,公司将于两周之内组织安排面试。
This Chinese Siemens product is now sold in developing countries round the world. 如今,这个由中国西门子开发的产品也在其他发展中国家销售。
This Chinese web page of Mysticweb offers free online course on various proven techniques for Astral Travel to gain mystical and esoteric information for self-knowledge and spiritual development. 这个知者运动之中文网页,提供免费网上课程,教导关于遨游太虚世界之各种实践技术,去获得有关自我求知及灵性发展之神秘及灵性的喻索道理。
This Christmas party, with the theme of harmonious world attracted over 100 people to attend and achieved unexpected result. 晚会以“和谐感恩、爱心互助”为主题,有100余人参加了本次晚会。
This Christmas, as we go through the routine of regretting the predominance of markets in our lives, we might remind ourselves that while markets may not be perfect, they sometimes beat the alternatives. 今年圣诞节,当我们照旧慨叹市场主导了我们的生活时,我们可能要提醒自己,虽然市场可能并不完美,但有时它们比其它机制要好。
This Circular is promulgated on December 20, 2005. 本通知于2005年12月20日发布实施。
This Cistercian abbey in Catalonia is one of the largest in Spain. 波夫莱特修道院属于西多会修道院,是西班牙最大的修道院之一。
This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs. 《白蛇传》是家传户晓的民间故事,千年妖精白素贞(白蛇)与青青(青蛇)两姊妹,因缘同降凡间。

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