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And the ratio of arabinose to xylose was 0.7.Concentration of β-glucan,mannose and galactose in SDF was .0%,.%and . %respectively.
提取的SDF中还含有.0%的β-葡聚糖、.%甘露糖和 . %半乳糖。

And the moment attack 'a' and the largest preying amount per day '/Th' were 0.7 ,0.7,0.90 and 0.79,as well as 7.8,9.9 ,. and .,respectively. Intraspecific interference of the spider was found in the experiment. 瞬间攻击力a和日最大捕食量/Th分别为0.7 ,0.7,0.90,0.79和7.8,9.9 ,.,.头。
And the neutralizing activity of MP- and PMB in dose of ,0,0,0 μmol/L on LPS( μg/L) was detected by dynamic turbidimetric limulus test with LPS neutralizing 0 μmol/L MP- and PMB as control. 通过动态比浊法和鲎试验定量,比较、0、0、0μmol/LMP -、PMB对μg/LLPS的中和作用,以LPS中和0μmol/LMP -、PMB为对照。
And the other patients in the ring suture and tie group were treated by suture and tie only. 单纯瘤周环扎组 例,患者行单纯瘤周环扎。
And the positive expression rate of CK0 was higher than that of Villin in primary ovarian tumor tissue (P<0.00). 且原发卵巢癌组织中Villin的阳性表达率低于CK0(P<0.00)。
And the prevalence rate of anencephaly,spina bifida and encephalocele were 9.9 per 0 000,8.7 per 0 000and 7.9 per 0 000 respectively. 围产儿NTDs总发生率为9.77/万,其中无脑、脊柱裂和脑膨出的发生率分别为9.9/万、8.7/万和7.9/万。
And the ratio of arabinose to xylose was 0.7.Concentration of β-glucan,mannose and galactose in SDF was .0%,.%and . %respectively. 提取的SDF中还含有.0%的β-葡聚糖、.%甘露糖和 . %半乳糖。
And the residual coppers is reduced to .9 % and % , respectively. 而且 ,含铜量分别降至 .9 %和 %。
And the texture style of fabrics should be in accordance with that of garment fabrics, mainly including thinness and transparence, glitter, crepe effect, wrinkling, raising and coating. 织物的材质风格追随着服装面料的风格 ,主要有薄透、闪光、绉效应、凹凸起绉、起绒、涂层等 ;
And then a conclusion is drawn: the parallel import of trade mark should be neither forbidden nor affirmed wholly, the agent's interests and competition order should be considered conditionally. 由于竞争政策与贸易政策以及知识产权保护的关系密不可分,通过竞争法规制平行进口是可行的,并得出结论:对商标权产品平行进口既不应一概禁止,也不能一概鼓励,而是要兼顾代理商利益及竞争秩序的维护有条件地进行认定。
And then study on UG/Open GRIP, UG/Open API、 UG/Open UI Styler、 UG/Open Menu Script are made and some examples are given. 接着对UG的各个二次开发模——UG/Open GRIP、UG/Open API、UG/Open UI Styler、UG/Open Menu Script做了探讨,并相应地给出了实例。
And then, the precision of the limit of coding-length, the relation of N and coding efficiency, the impact of word number on the code-length and the limit of typist's average input speed is argued. 基于上述计算结果,本文还就最短码长精度、码元N与编码效率、词数与码长的关系以及录入员平均输入速度的上限进行了讨论。

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