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New York has more rats than Chicago because Chicago has more alleyways,said Leonard Douglen, executive director of the New York Pest Management Association.

Nevertheless, we are looking at numerous and extremely complex gene interactions in the brain and this research doesn't yet explain how this mechanism might be working. 然而,我们正在研究大脑中的其他几个而且非常复杂的基因互作关系,这项研究还未解释这种机制是怎样运行的。
New Branded World.Chapter 1 in No Logo. 崭新的商标化世界〉,摘自《无品牌》第一章。
New British Companies in China: The Case of International Export Company in Hankou, 1907-18, Studies in Chinese History, No.8 (Dec. 1998): 29-63. 跨国公司与中国民族资本企业的互动:以两次世界大战之间在华冷冻蛋品工业的发展为例〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,第37期(2002年6月),页187-227。
New Business Models for Supply Chain Excellence.ASCET Vol. 4 (2002). 供应链下的新商业模式〉ASCET期刊第四期(2002年出版)。
New Views of Neutron Stars.Physics Today, February 1999, 40 - 46. 中子星新观点〉,刊于《今日物理》1999年二月份第40-46页。
New York has more rats than Chicago because Chicago has more alleyways,said Leonard Douglen, executive director of the New York Pest Management Association. 纽约四害管理协会执行主席里奥纳多·道格伦说:“纽约老鼠之所以比芝加哥多,是因为纽约的大街小巷不象芝加哥那么发达。”
Next day dawned bright and clear. “紧接着晴朗明亮的一天开始了。
Next it will be a plague of locusts,one aid official said, knocking on wood. 「接下来恐怕会发生蝗灾,」一名救援官员敲敲树木说。
Next,said Li, 25, we will reveal the Changsha regional champion of the 2005 Mongolian Cow Sour Sour Yogurt Super Girl Voice! “接下来,”25岁的李响说,“我们将揭晓2005年蒙牛酸酸乳超级女声长沙赛区的冠军。”
Nigerian fans were threatening my family back home,Mikel told The Sun. They believe I have started picking the games I play for my country. “尼日利亚的球迷恐吓了我的家人,”米克尔对太阳报说。“他们相信我会代表国家队出战。”
Nine-Fivebrilliance, not only economic development huge fruit tired tired sparkling eyes snatched, but also economic reform with high-sounding songs to fiercely enter even more fantastic confusedly presented. “九五”辉煌,不仅经济发展硕果累累灿烂夺目,而且经济改革高歌猛进更显精彩纷呈。

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