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2 would you like an aisle seat or a window seat ?

2 threshold responsibilities are: Carrier's seaworthiness responsibility and carrier's tube goods responsibility. 2项最低限度责任是:承运人的适航责任和承运人的管货责任。
2 vessel or carft being-stranded grounded sunk or capsized. 船舶或驳船搁浅、擦浅、沉没或倾覆。
2 where the underwriters have agreed to delete this warranty, the conditions of the speedboat clause 19 below shall also apply. 如果保险人同意删除该保证条款,则应适用下述第19条子船时速条款的条件。
2 which letter goes all round an island? 哪个字母围着岛屿走了一圈?
2 while laid up out of commission as provided for in Clause 4 below, including lifting or hauling out and launching, while being moved in shipyard or marina, dismantling, fitting out, overhauling, normal maintenance or while under survey (also to include 在下述第4条规定的船舶搁置不用,包括起浮或拖带及船舶下水,以及在船舶被移入船坞或游艇停泊港、拆除设备、配置设备、彻底检修、日常保养,或是在船舶接受检验的情况下(也包括进或出船坞、偶尔搁置不用或配置设备而造成的船舶搁置、离开原地去进行救助或基于其他目的,开往其泊位或从泊位离开,但以不离开该船舶被搁置的港口或地点为限),但不包括船舶被用做船宅或船舶正进行重大修理或船舶正在改造的情形,除非承保人得到通知并同意所要额外增加的保险费。
2 would you like an aisle seat or a window seat ? 您要过道位置还是窗口位置。
2 years experience in sales or marketing experience in fast moving consumer goods is required. 具有2年以上的营销经验,需含快速消费品行业经验。
2 years management experience of small to medium sized team. 2年小中型团队的管理经验.
2 years of planning or warehouse work experience. 2年计划或仓管工作经验。
2 years or above construction purchasing or researching experiencein construction or interior decoration(5-star hotel, high level office tower and retail),familiar with construction material. 需2年以上土建或精装修项目(如五星级酒店、高档写字楼或百货零售)的建材采购或搜寻资历,须熟悉材料性能。
2 years or above large-scale electrical system design experience. 2年以上大型工程项目电力系统设计经验。

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