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At higher magnification, the overlying pseudomembrane at the left has numerous inflammatory cells, mainly neutrophils.

At higher magnification with more advanced necrosis, the small intestinal mucosa shows hemorrhage with acute inflammation in this case of ischemic enteritis. 较高倍镜下,局部缺血性急性肠炎显示更早期坏死,小肠黏膜有出血。
At higher magnification, an ovarian granulosa cell tumor has nests of cells which are forming primitive follicles. 高倍镜示:卵巢颗粒细胞瘤有形成原始滤泡的细胞巢。
At higher magnification, early abscessing pneumonia is shown. Alveolar walls are not clearly seen, only sheets of neutrophils. 高倍镜下,可看到早期的脓肿肺炎。肺泡壁不很清楚,仅有嗜中性粒细胞。
At higher magnification, many foam cells (macrophages full of lipid material) and a cholesterol cleft are seen in this atheromatous plaque. 高倍镜下可见粥样斑块中有许多泡沫细胞(即吞噬大量脂质的巨噬细胞)和胆固醇结晶。
At higher magnification, the neoplastic glands of gastric adenocarcinoma demonstrate mitoses, increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios, and hyperchromatism. There is a desmoplastic stromal reaction to the infiltrating glands. 高倍镜下,胃腺癌腺体细胞分裂象多见,核质比增加,着色过深。浸润腺体后结缔组织增生。
At higher magnification, the overlying pseudomembrane at the left has numerous inflammatory cells, mainly neutrophils. 左边覆盖的假膜有很多的炎症细胞,主要是中性粒细胞。
At his age, when I got hungry, I made myself peanut butter and jam on white bread and got into Harvard. 在他那个年龄,当我饿了,我只会自己做花生酱,然后塞进白面包,而我进了哈佛。
At his arrival in the market-place, and some time before she saw him, the stranger had bent his eyes on Hester Prynne. 在那个不速之客来到市场,海丝特·白兰还没看到他之前,他的目光早已直勾勾地盯上了她。
At his birthday party, I met such people as professor, scientist and actor. 在他的生日宴会上,我遇到了像教授、科学家和演员的人。
At his command, a large black, wooden carving of a cat, named Kaspar, wearing a napkin around his neck, was seated near him at dinner. 比如,按照他的吩咐,在他饭桌位置的附近放上一个巨大的、脖子上围着餐巾布的黑色木猫。
At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it; for he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it: lest he cry against thee unto the Lord, and it be sin unto thee. 申24:15要当日给他工价、不可等到日落、因为他穷苦、把心放在工价上、恐怕他因你求告耶和华、罪便归你了。

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