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Would you find it hard to pass up meat, and live on a vegetarian diet?

Would you ever guess that the closest U.S. port city to Europe is in Maine? Well, it is. 您知道美国境内,离欧洲最近的港市在那一州吗?是的,就在缅因州。
Would you explain it again? 你能再说明一次吗?
Would you explain why the path difference between the light waves must not be too great? 否则光径差多少都可以差别在于是否能产生你所想见到的效应!
Would you fill in this registration form? 麻烦填写这张住宿登记表。
Would you fill out this form, please? 能否请您填一下这个表格?
Would you find it hard to pass up meat, and live on a vegetarian diet? 不吃肉而以素食为生,你感到很难做到吗?
Would you give it to me, Jack? 杰克,请把那个给我好吗?
Would you give me a hand? 你能帮我个忙吗?
Would you give me a raise? 您能给我加薪吗?
Would you give me an international stamp coupon, please? 请给我一张国际邮票单好吗?
Would you give me half an hour to converse with you? 我想跟你谈谈, 半小时就行.

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