Know your organization's written and unwritten policies about romantic, sexual, extramarital, or dating relationships.
了解你所在单位对爱恋关系、两性关系、婚外恋关系和恋爱关系的成文和不成文的规定。 |
Know your round types, fuze types, gun/battery types, sheaf options, and fire options, and take advantage of them.
了解你方的炮弹种类,引信种类,火炮/炮兵连的种类,炮火射面和炮击方案,并好好利用之。 |
Know “asking the way” and related words or expressions.
学会一些指路的用法并复习有关的地点名称。 |
Knowable or perceivable.
可认知的可知的或可觉察的 |
Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?
33你知道天的定例吗。能使地归在天的权下吗。 |
Knowest thou the time when the wild goats of the rock bring forth? or canst thou mark when the hinds do calve?
1山岩间的野山羊几时生产,你知道吗。母鹿下犊之期,你能察定吗。 |
Knowing (and following) the basic conventions of the web is very important, but it's even more important to be able to think through the logic of a given situation.
了解这些原理和设计常规的确十分重要,但能够透过目前的状况来做考虑又显得更为重要了。 |
Knowing English very well,he translated the article without much difficulty.
由于英语功底好,他没费多大力气就把这篇文章翻译了出来。 |
Knowing I can and seeking help when I can't.
自己能做的自己做,自己不能做的,要寻求他人的帮助。 |
Knowing a train was likely to pull into the station at any moment, Autrey tried to pull Hollopeter up.
奥崔知道火车随时可能驶进车站,于是想尽办法拉何洛彼德站起来。 |
Knowing about the effect of environment variation in aerator on microorganism growth by detecting environment factors and observing activated sludge.
通过测定曝气池中的环境因素和观察活性污泥状态,认识环境因素对微生物生长的影响。 |