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That assumption is considered conservative.

That as from the beginning, a projection OF that form that assumed its position or condition in the earth as from the beginning, and with those so endowed with that as may be called an insight into psychic sources there may be visioned about a body its as 从开始的时候起,从开始的时候起假定它在地球上的位置或情形的形态的投射,由于赋予了可以被称作的内在精神本源,在本源里身体可以被想象成星形的(如果选择这样的说法),确切说就是思想体,同样可以以如此的一个状态来进行投射;特别在感应的时候,或一个正常的无意识大脑或正常的精神身体的进行意识诱导的时候。
That as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrurinsed and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. 犹如人类使用显微镜观察微生物在水滴中繁衍那么仔细,人类自己也在庸庸碌碌的同时被观察研究着。
That aspect of Wang's game was on display in the sixth, when he sprinted over to first and caught a return throw from Jeter to finish a 3-6-1 double play that ended the inning. 这点可以从小民在6局时下丘到一垒协助防守并和基特联手完成双杀结束6局对方的进攻。
That assault was intended to root out thousands of insurgents. 攻击费卢杰是为了清除那里数以千计的反叛分子。
That association is only statistical, and Kelsoe said researchers now are looking for biological evidence that this variant of the gene acts abnormally. 但是目前这个结果还只停留在数据阶段,因此凯尔索博士说研究者们正在寻找证明这种基因变体反常作用的生物学方面的证据。
That assumption is considered conservative. 这个假设应该是比较保守的。
That at it's most basic is what this bread and wine represent. 这是饼和酒所代表的最基本的。
That athlete was really in the zone . He broke the world record. 那个选手真是太投入了,他打破了世界记录。
That auditorium is as large again as this. 那个大礼堂比这个大一倍。
That austerity which is performed by the whims of the foolish, causing pain to one's self; or for the harm of others is described as of the nature of nescience. 蠢人们一时兴起而进行的苦修,引起自己的痛苦或对他人的伤害,就被认为是处于愚昧无知的劣性中。
That austerity which is performed ostentatiously for the sake of gaining respect, honor, adulation and reward is unstable and unenduring in this world and is stated as of the nature of passion. 为了获得尊敬,荣誉,赞美,奉承和酬劳,卖弄炫耀地虚假苦修,在这个世界上,是不稳定和无法持久的,被称作是处于欲望情感的品性中。

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