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Abstract: The main factors that affect the reliability of the building automatic control system(BAS) and the reliability design technique applied in the whole process of the system design are introduced in this paper.

Abstract: The main characteristics of leveraged buy-out were analysed,and financing methods using the leverage principle were proposed. 文摘:分析了杠杆收购的主要特点,提出了在公路建设和高新技术开发中运用杠杆原理融资.
Abstract: The main characters and seed set of BC1,BC2,BC1F2 from MS line back-crossing with the pollen of hybrid rice were studied.The appearance of a large number of self fertile plants in MS line was analyzed.The effect of introgression of restoring gen 文摘:研究了杂交稻花粉对母本不育系回交后代群体BC1、BC2、BC1F2的主要农艺性状和育性表现,分析了不育系中出现大量自交结实株的原因,讨论了恢复基因渗入对籼、粳不育系纯度和杂交稻产量的影响,指出“同质恢”对降低不育系纯度的严重性和杂交稻作制种田隔离区的不合理性。
Abstract: The main economic properties, growth characteristics and corresponding high yield culture technology of Simian 3 were investigated,and the results indicated that Simian 3 is suited to plant in Jingmen by comparative analysis of continuous cultur 文摘:以泗棉三号连续4a在荆门地区与湖北省主栽品种鄂棉18的对比分析,探索了泗棉三号在荆门地区的主要经济性状、生育特性及相配套的高产栽培技术,表明泗棉三号适宜在荆门地区种植。
Abstract: The main factors affecting design parameters of mixer-settler are discussed, the general principle and methods to determine parameters in design are clarified and some experiences data for design are put forward. 文摘:就影响混合澄清器设计参数的主要因素进行了探讨,阐述了设计过程中确定参数的一般原则和方法,并提出了一些设计用的经验值。
Abstract: The main factors of influencing national vehicle markets are analyzed.The vehicles possessing capacity prediction models are set up base d on exponential smoothing,multivariant regression and neural network.The applic abilities of the three mode 文摘:对影响我国汽车市场的主要因素进行了分析,建立了以指数平滑、多元回归、神经网络为基础的汽车保有量预测模型,并对三种模型的适用性作了简单分析.
Abstract: The main factors that affect the reliability of the building automatic control system(BAS) and the reliability design technique applied in the whole process of the system design are introduced in this paper. 摘要:介绍了影响楼宇自控系统(BAS)可靠性的主要因素以及在系统设计的全过程中可采用的各种可靠性设计技术。
Abstract: The main jamming and anti-jamming measure of ground to air missile system is analyzed in this paper.The evaluating model the performance of synthetic anti-jamming is proposed.Moreover,the performance of synthetic guided radar is quantitatively e 文摘:对地空导弹武器系统制导雷达面临的主要干扰及其所采取的主要抗干扰措施进行了分析,建立了制导雷达综合抗干扰能力评估模型,对制导雷达综合抗干扰能力进行了评估。
Abstract: The main points about development of application programs based on VISA for VXIbus are presented,including addressing an instrument,accessing a message-based device and a register-based device,handling events and errors.Some practical programs a 文摘:介绍了利用VISA库进行VXI总线编程的几个要点,包括仪器的寻址、消息级器件的访问、寄存器级器件的访问、异步事件处理和出错处理等,并给出了示例程序。
Abstract: The main problems existed in the standardization of the landscaping industry of Shenzhen are analyzed in this paper, the objects and the principles of urban landscaping technical standard system of Shenzhen are put forward and the frame-chart of 摘要:分析了深圳园林绿化行业标准化工作存在的主要问题,提出编制《深圳城市园林绿化技术标准体系》的目标和原则——系统性、先进性、地方性,构建了《深圳城市园林绿化技术标准体系》框架图,为园林绿化行业的规范发展和技术标准的制定提供标准化指引。
Abstract: The major functions,features and operational principle of the detector for underground dissolved cavity are introduced.The simulation test results of the performance of the detector are presented. 文摘:介绍地下溶腔测试仪的主要性能、特点和工作原理,给出了测试仪性能的模拟试验结果。
Abstract: The mass spectrometry technique is introduced in this pa per.The method is also discussed,which determines quickly and accurately the molecular weights of leather chemicals.Such as tannin and collagen by mass spec trometry. 文摘:介绍了质谱技术及其在皮革化学研究中快速、准确测定单宁、胶原蛋白分子量的方法。

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