Driver: Do you speak English?
司机:你讲英语吗? |
Driver: Get in the truck.
司机:上来吧。 |
Driver: I'd like to visit in the future.
司机:我希望将来能去看看。 |
Driver: It's eighty cents for adults and thirty-five cents for children under twelve. Don't use bill, and drop the exact fares into the money box after getting on the bus.
司机:大人八十美分,十二岁以下的小孩三十五美分。不要用纸币,上车之后把整好金额的硬币投入收款箱中。 |
Driver: One minute is OK.
司机:提前一分钟就可以了。 |
Driver: Taidong Road Pedestrian Shopping Street.
司机:台东商业步行街。 |
Driver: Trust me. I know this area very well.
司机:相信我。我对这一带很熟。 |
Driver: We can try another route.
司机:我们可以试试另一条路。 |
Driver: Where do you want to go?
司机:您想去哪儿? |
DriverUnload (PDRIVER_UNLOAD) points to a cleanup function in your driver.
设备卸载(PDRIVER_UNLOAD)指的是在你的驱动中的一个清理函数。 |
Drivers Kok (Cam degree angle) :-axis rotation angle of hospitality require a degree movement. Greater perspective, the more stable movement.
驱动角(凸轮分度角):入力轴旋转角要求招待一次分度运动。角度越大,运动越平稳。 |