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Franco:I remember. Don't remid me. It's going to take us all day.

Franco drank too much and fell over when he was dancing with Polly. 弗兰克酒喝多了,当他和珀莉跳舞的时候摔了一跤。
Franco's supporters see him as the man who held Spain together and saved it from Bolshevism. 佛朗哥的支持者认为,他使西班牙团结统一,免于沦为布尔什维克的激进主义。
Franco-Prussian War: France declares war on Prussia. 1870年的今天,法-普战争(或译普法战争)中,法国向普鲁士宣战。
Franco:Hey Emilie, you look really smart today. 佛朗哥:嘿,艾米莉,你今天看起来很漂亮。
Franco:I guess I see what you mean . Europeans always look more sophisticated. 佛朗哥:我想我懂你的意思了。欧洲人的衣着看起来都比较精雕细琢一些。
Franco:I remember. Don't remid me. It's going to take us all day. 佛朗哥:我记得,不必提醒我,这够我们忙一整天了。
Franco:More elegant ? I'm afraid I don't understand. 佛朗哥:比较华丽?我不懂。
Franco:No,really.Did you make that outfit yourself? 佛朗哥:不,是真的。这件套装是你自己做的吗?
Franco:So, are their designs so much better? 佛朗哥:那他们的设计真的那么好吗?
Franco:So,it that why you came here ? 佛朗哥:所以你才会来这里。
Frand, J., &Lippincott, A. (2002). Personal knowledge management (pkm) and information overload. 卓素珍.(2004).资讯科技在知识管理上应用之研究–以个人知识管理为例.中学教育学报(11),265-300.

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