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By IOR (fresnel reflections) - uses a fixed reflection curve based on the angle of view and its strength is controlled by the material's index of refraction.

By Feb. 2, 2002, China had added 14 new Ramsar sites, an achievement that WWF and SFA celebrated together as the 71st Gift To The Earth. 2002年2月2日,中国新增的14个国际重要湿地,被世界自然基金会确认为第71份“献给地球的礼物”,当时我们与国家林业局也在北京举行了隆重的庆祝仪式。
By February, unlicensed outlaws, who referred to themselves as independents protested the trust and carried on business without submitting to the Edison monopoly. 到了二月,那些自称为独立制片人但未经授权的违例者,并没有屈服于爱迪生的垄断,而是继续营业来抗议。
By Friday, flooding had killed 403 people and left 105 others missing and 3.17 million people had been relocated. 至周五,此次洪水灾难夺取了403条性命,105人失踪,317万人被转移。
By Friday, however, the buying began to cool, and some profit-taking was evident. 然而,在周五,买方的力量明显削弱,获利套现的迹象非常明显。
By His knowledge the deeps were broken up And the skies drip with dew. 箴3:20以知识使深渊裂开、使天空滴下甘露。
By IOR (fresnel reflections) - uses a fixed reflection curve based on the angle of view and its strength is controlled by the material's index of refraction. 依照折射率(菲涅耳反射)使用一个依据观察角度计算的反射折射,其数值大小依据物质折射率。
By January 1, 2007, all supplies are supposed to have the same maximum no-load power consumption: 0.3 W. 到2007年1月1日,要求所有电源的最大空载功耗都相同:0.3W。
By January 10th, I was back to where I had started from. 到了1月10日,我恢复了原来的作息时间。
By January 2006 more than half of all American households will own at least one digital camera, predicts the Photo Marketing Association (PMA. 摄影商业协会(PMA)预测说,到2006年1月,美国将有一半的家庭拥有至少一部数码相机。
By Jove! He is going it. 天啊!他把车开得飞快。
By July of this year, the respective multiples were just 27.4 and 9.7. 而今年截至七月底,上述两个数据分别变为27.4和9.7。

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