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All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke.

All your pomp has been brought down to the grave, along with the noise of your harps; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you. 11你的威势,和你琴瑟的声音,都下到阴间。你下铺的是虫,上盖的是蛆。
All your prices are on C.I.F. basis. 你们所有价格都是成本加运费保险费价格。
All your responses brought tears to my eyes. 译文:你们大家的留言让我太感动了。
All your strength is in your union ,All your danger is in discord. 一切力量在团结中,一切危险在纠纷中.
All your swans are geese. 你的美好希望(或诺言),全部成了泡影。
All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke. 你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了.
All your things are expensive,’Jackie said.She remembered the phone call on Thursday about the train ticker. “你所有的东西都昂贵,”杰基说。她记起周四关于火车票的电话。
All ~ arriving at the warehouse are automatically checked by the computer system. 所有运到仓库的货物都自动地由电脑检查。
All “beautiful” women in television commercials conform to this norm. 所有在电视广告中出现的美貌女子都符合这一标准。
Allô. 86) Oh? Is this a wireless speaker? 噢,这是不是无线扬声器?
All's fair in love and war. 爱情和战争是不择手段的。

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