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If you don't hurry up with your work, you might not finish it on time.

If you don't have supermodel legs (and really, who does? 如果你没有超模般的美腿(其实又有几个人有啊?)
If you don't hear anything to the contrary I'll meet you at seven o'clock. 如果你没有听到任何的相反情形,我会在七点钟去见你。
If you don't hear something to the contrary I'll meet you at seven o'clock tonight. 如果你没有接到变更的通知,那么我们就定于今晚七时见面。
If you don't hear something to the contrary, I'll meet you at7: 00 o'clock outside the cinema. 如果你听不到相反消息的话,我们将在7点钟在电影院外面会面。
If you don't hop down there quick like a bunny he'll open the gate to hell. 如果你不能像小白兔一样快点追上他的话,他就要打开通往地狱的大门了。
If you don't hurry up with your work, you might not finish it on time. 你再不赶紧工作,恐怕就无法准时完成了。
If you don't keep your cool, sir. I'll have to arrest you for obstruction of justice. 如果你还不冷静下来,先生,我会拘捕你,告你妨碍司法公正。
If you don't know basic C++ concepts this tutorial won't be useful. Likewise if you don't know what a DOM is, look elsewhere first. 加入你不懂C++的概念的话,这个指南对你就没什么用了。同样的,如果你不懂什么是DOM的话,请先到其他地方看看。
If you don't know it, write him an email pretending to be a customer and look at his return headers. 如果不知道的话,可以假装是他的顾客发封邮件过去然后看回信的邮件头。
If you don't know the answer, ask sb. 如你不知道答案,就问问别人。
If you don't know the answer, just fudge it. 如果你不知道答案,就瞎扯一下。

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