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Managers worry about compromised safety or the quality of customer service.

Managers use flexible budgets to analyze cost-volume-profit re-lationships over tthe entire range of likely activity, to help plan for contingencies,, to help answer questions raised by deviations from plans. 管理者运用弹性预算分析有可能业务范围内的本量利关系,帮助计划一些偶然事件及回答与计划产生差异的原因。
Managers use the margin of safety to evaluate current opera-tions or to measure the risk of a new business plan. 管理者经常运用安全边际来评价当前营业状况或测量一项新业务计划的风险程度。
Managers who want to learn how to build-up a customer service team. 需要学习如何成功建立客户服务团队的管理人员。
Managers who want to master the method and tactic of resolving conflict. 需要掌握正确处理冲突方法和策略的职业经理人。
Managers who want to mastery conflict management method and tactic. 需要掌握冲突管理方法和策略的职业经理人。
Managers worry about compromised safety or the quality of customer service. 经理们担心安全性会削弱,给顾客服务的质量下降。
Managers, team leaders and professional persons who are in charge of negotiation on behalf of the enterprise. 负责代表企业进行谈判的管理人员、团队领导者及专业人士。
Manager: Then use the Xerox machine. 经理:那就用复印机好了。
Manager:I am the manager, sir. 经理:先生,我就是这里的经理。
Manages all combinations of fluorescence acquisition modes and image sets:time lapse, channel (wavelength), focus (Z-stack), and stage position(x,y,z). 此模组非常适合活体细胞萤光影像长时观察记录,并针对不同的试片位置在不同的时间、不同的焦面层,取得细胞生长或变化的过程。
Manages all on-site resources (transition and change management). 管理现场服务资源(含过渡及变更管理)。

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