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No matter what happened,he wouldn't say one words.

No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan. 不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。
No matter what emergent things happend, Tom always take calm. 汤姆在任何紧急情况下都能保持镇静,从不会惊慌。
No matter what emergent things happend,Tom is still keeping calm . 汤姆在任何紧急情况下都能保持镇静,从不会惊慌。
No matter what great progress he makes, one should remember that it is his teacher who plants the first seed for him as one should think of the source when he drinks water. 不管一个人取得多么值得骄傲的成就,都应该饮水思源,应当记住是自己的老师为他的成长播下了最初的种子。
No matter what happen,we'll pull through together . 不管再来会发生什么事,我们都要一起度过难关。
No matter what happened,he wouldn't say one words. 不管发生什么事,他也不会说一句话。
No matter what happens to her, Mrs. Lin always seems to be a happy camper. (不论发生任何事情,林太太总是高高兴兴的。)
No matter what happens to him. Leo always seems to keep his chin up. 不管利奥发生什么事情,他似乎总是毫不气馁。
No matter what happens to the films and TV plays with historical consumerism, the unchanged formula is clearing-and-establishment. 无论历史消费主义影视剧走着怎样的路线,始终不变的是“消解-确立”模式。
No matter what happens, Gill always looks on the bright side. 无论发生什么事,吉尔总是乐观的。
No matter what happens, no matter how hopeless, never let go of that. 无论发生什么,无论情况有多遭,决不要放弃。

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