What makes the computer tick?
计算机的工作原理是什么? |
What makes the difference is that she symbolizes these social or living contents, which are always serious, to become easiest, vivid and humorous figures through reduplicate copying, arranging and combinating, making us smile.
不同的是,她将这些往往是严肃、沉重的社会内容或生活内容,通过不断复制、排列、组合的演绎方式,使其符号化和图案化,成为轻松、鲜活、生动和幽默诙谐的形象,让人为之会心一笑。 |
What makes the empirical modeling of household behavior more complicated is that they are interdependence, contemporaneously and intertemporally, and persistent.
而令家户行为的实证模型更为复杂的是家户行为同时兼具同期与跨期的相依性,且往往有强烈的持续性。 |
What makes the most kissable lips?
一连三集《身首奇异处》将会了解人体的奥秘。 |
What makes the robots unique is that they learned to walk on different surfaces without any prior programming information from their inventors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston , Cornell University in New York in the United States and
这种机器人的独特之处是,没有任何预先来自它的发明者--美国波士顿的麻省理工学院,纽约康奈尔大学,荷兰的代尔夫特理工大学—的编程信息,它们就学会在不同的表面上行走。 |
What makes the world go round ?
是什麽让这世界转动? |
What makes this attempt more notable is Mr Weber's claim to be democratic.
韦伯先生所宣称的民主评选,使得这个尝试更受瞩目。 |
What makes this even more distressing, is that fact that business executives are now turning to the IS professionals on an ever increasing rate in order to provide them with systems which give the business a strategic as well as a competitive advantage.
更悲伤的是,为了给他们提供业务的策略和竞争性的特点,行政人员现在正在以前所未有的比例不断转向信息系统的专业人士的事实。 |
What makes you happy at work?
工作中什么能令你快乐?? |
What makes you proud about your career, what would you like to change?
在你篮球生涯中最引以为荣的是什么,(如果可能)什么是你想改变的? |
What makes you put forth your greatest effort?
什么使你付出了最大的努力? |