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Officials of the park in San Diego say the whale may be allowed to perform again.

Officials now say at least ten people are dead in Greensburg, Kansas. 政府官员称现在至少还有十个人在康萨斯州格林斯。
Officials of the Japanese Foreign Ministry and Chinese Embassy were not immediately available to comment. 日本外务省官员和中国大使馆官员没有就立即澄清此事。
Officials of the Krasnodar region said Tuesday that the farm has been quarantined and the government has ordered other measures to stop the spread of the virus. 克拉斯诺达地区官员星期二说,饲养场已被隔离,政府下令采取防止病毒扩散的其它措施。
Officials of the Krasnodar region said Tuesday that the farm has been quarantined and the government have ordered other measures to stop the spread of the virus. 克拉斯诺达地区官员星期二说,饲养场已被隔离,政府下令采取防止病毒扩散的其它措施。
Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring. 美国以及其他发达国家的官员说,将保护科技(以阻止外流)与对付饥饿问题混为一谈是在混淆视听。
Officials of the park in San Diego say the whale may be allowed to perform again. 公园的官员表示那只鲸可能将会被批准再次表演.
Officials packed tons of wood and poured 80 litres of a petrol and diesel fuel mix over the decomposing 15 metre (47 foot) whale to spark a fire expected to burn for up to two days. 2日,有关部门支起数吨木材,用80升汽柴油混合燃料放火焚烧了这条15米长的死鲸,预计燃烧过程需要两天。
Officials predict that by 2010, one-fifth of the nation's total water supply will come from recycled waster. 官方预言到2010年,国家的水供给有四分之一将从再利用的废水而来。
Officials realized the calls were a hoax after Department of Children and Family Services staffers grilled the caller. 儿童与家庭服务部的工作人员对打来电话的人进行盘问后,有关官员意识到这是场恶作剧。
Officials relocated it to take advantage of cheap hydroelectric power from Xiping's mountain streams and promote rural economic development. 官员们将工厂外迁,一来是为了利用溪坪山间水流的廉价水电,二来是为了加快农村经济发展。
Officials said Monday the protest was filed after the government confirmed that Chinese engineers had rigged up drilling equipment on a platform in the Bajiaoting gas field. 官方在星期一时声称,在政府确认中国工程师在八角亭开采平台上组装钻井设备后该抗议就已发出。

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