The age of the automobile had rendered the place irrelevant.
汽车时代使这里无关紧要。 |
The age of the cat and type of vaccine may influence the number of vaccinations required. Follow your veterinarian's recommendations.
猫只的年龄及疫苗的种类可能影响所需注射的次数,请遵照兽医指示。 |
The age! We're all buried by all kinds of informations. This empty power which controls modern people's mind is turning out to be very weak.
时代!我们几乎都被淹没在各式各样的信息里。这些控制现代人精神的空洞力量在这个时代里变的很脆弱。 |
The age-old Kungfu for bodybuilding and self-defense has gained widespread popularity in its history.
在历史上用于健身、自卫的古老功夫得到了广泛的喜爱。 |
The age-old riddle of why many women live longer than men has been solved. Its their pumping power, British researchers have found.
大多数女性都比男性要长寿,这是千百年来让人类不解的现象之一。难道女同胞们有独家长寿秘方?还是上天给了女性特别的钟爱?科学研究的结果往往出人意料。 |
The aged man is laboring under the handicaps of old age.
那老翁在老年的残疾之下很吃力。 |
The agencies feel aggrieved at the criticism.
信评机构觉得社会的批评有失公正。 |
The agencies have done fabulously well from the stream of new business, but they are further away from borrowers.
这些机构在这些新业务方面相当出色,但是他们对借款人的了解更少。 |
The agency acknowledged public concern about the issue and said many studies were still being performed and continued follow-up was needed on any possible carcinogenic effect linked to mobile phone usage.
考虑到民众对这一问题的普遍关注,瑞典辐射保护研究所表示,他们还将继续这一课题的研究,跟踪调查手机使用中可能产生的所有致癌物质。 |
The agency agreement was made out with great care and we have found no loopholes in it.
代理协议书制订的非常仔细,我们没有发现里面有漏洞。 |
The agency arranges visas for foreign visitors and sorts out paperwork.
该中心为外国访客安排签证,并整理书面材料。 |