First of all, your code is a mess.
首先,你的代码很乱。 |
First of all,i don't like her at all,but now she is one of my best friends.
起初我并不喜欢她,现在她已经是我最好的朋友之一了。 |
First of all,in a market economy,buyers play a greater role in price setting than most people believe.
(首先,在—个市场经济中,买主在确定价格方面比大多数人认为的作用要大。) |
First of all,they have only one mode of noting down the message.
首先,他们只有一种记下讯息的方式。 |
First of all, ?blockers are definitely of great preventive value in patients of myocardial infarction.
首先,毫无疑问?受体阻滞剂对心肌梗死患者病情的发作具有很重要的预防作用。 |
First of all, I'm Christian.
首先,我是基督教徒。 |
First of all, all the current network code should be kept as it is, when you add multicast support make sure you do not remove any existing code unless you really think it is necessary.
首先,最好保留你已经写的网络部分的代码,当你要加入多播支持时首先确认你确实需要否则不必改动你已写好的代码。 |
First of all,they had nothing but one mode to take down the message.
首先,他们只有一种记下讯息的方式。 |
First of the three translations I've wanted to do. Happy Reading.
我要做的三篇翻译之一。阅读快乐。 |
First off we want to thank you for making uploadingIT.com a success, we are fastly approching 10,000 users, currently with 8,300 users.
首先,我们感谢各位用户使得我们的网站运作成功,现在我们已有8300名用户,很快用户数量就会达到10,000人。 |
First off, let's see how much it'll cost.
首先,让我们看看要花多少钱。 |