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She has been appeared abruptly during the period of his room , he has been scared half-dead.

She has been a widow only six months. 六个月前她成了寡妇。
She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York. 她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人.
She has been ambivalent about divorcing her hus-band. 她对于离婚一直举棋不定。
She has been an editor for eight years. 她当编辑已经八年了。
She has been an investigator of the Italian Telethon Foundation since 1996. 从1996年起,卡他尼欧也是义大利电视马拉松基金会的研究员。
She has been appeared abruptly during the period of his room , he has been scared half-dead. 她突然出现在他的房间时,他被吓了个半死。
She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard. 她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。
She has been bearing me a grudge. 她一直对我怀恨在心。
She has been bringing nothing in for a long time. 很长时间她都没收入了。
She has been called away for some job. 有什么事把她叫走了。
She has been collecting stamps. 她一直收集邮票。

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