He spent his time philander with the girls in the village.
他把时间花在和村子里的姑娘们调情上了。 |
He spent his time philandering with the girls in the village.
他把时间花在和村子里的姑娘们调情上了. |
He spent hours decorating the images and singing hymns and devotional songs; he performed with love the other duties of his office.
他花数小时装饰神像,唱着赞美诗和虔诚的歌;他用爱去履行职责。 |
He spent hours poring over the statistics.
他花了数小时钻研这些统计数据。 |
He spent many time adapt himself to this fact, namely, he had out of work.
他花了很长时间才习惯了这一事实,即他失业了。 |
He spent money rashly [lavishly].
他花钱很随便[大手大脚]。 |
He spent months experimenting and finally put the thesis together in time.
他用了好几个月的时间做试验,终于准时把论文写好了。 |
He spent most of his adult life in prison.
他成年岁月的一大部分是在狱中度过的。 |
He spent most of his life gathering money.
他一生大部分时间用来积聚钱财。 |
He spent much of his money in organizing the concert.
他花了不少钱组织这场音乐会。 |
He spent one season there, then bowed out citing health reasons – only to then take the helm of the New York Knicks.
他只在活塞呆了一年,随即宣布由于健康原因而辞职,然而又立马拿起了尼克斯队的教鞭。 |