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Relative to the real product, prototypes are easy and inexpensive to create.

Relative permeability is defined as the effective ratio of effective permeability of a fluid at a given value of saturation to the effective permeability if that fluid at 100 per cent saturation. 相对渗透率被定义为在一定的饱和度时流体的有效渗透率与流体在百分之百饱和时的有效渗透率的有效比值。
Relative risk (RR) was used as a measure of the effect of folic acid supplementation on the risk of stroke with a random effect model. 采用相对危险度(RR)的大小,作为衡量叶酸补充治疗在降低卒中发生危险有效性的指标。
Relative to atypical antipsychotic use, conventional antipsychotic use was associated with a higher risk for death at all time points. 相对于非标准运用抗精神病药物而言,传统的抗精神病药物运用在各个时间点上均与死亡高风险性相关。
Relative to its size, the city is sparsely populated. 与它的面积相比,这座城市人口极为稀少。
Relative to ordinary investor, the institution investor processing a large block asset transacts the asset, and this transaction will make the unilateral change of the asset price, which causes the liquidity risk. 摘要相对于普通投资者,大规模持有某种资产的机构投资者在交易这种资产时,其行为会导致资产价格的单向变动,从而产生流动性风险。
Relative to the real product, prototypes are easy and inexpensive to create. 相对于真正的产品,创建原形是容易和不昂贵的。
Relative valuations increasingly favor Treasuries over high yield debt. 相对估值提升也使美国债券比高收益率债券更吸引。
Relatively comprehensive test study on the strength capacity of the reinforced concrete beam under bending moment, shear force and axial tensile force was carried out. 摘要对弯、剪、轴拉复合受力状态下钢筋混凝土梁的承载能力进行试验研究。
Relatively few incidents of human poisoning have been reported. 人体中毒事件较少有报道.
Relatively few of some 32,000 Lapps who live scattered across the arctic fringes of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, the rugged area known as Lapland, have ever followed the lonely life of the reindeer nomad. 相对而言,那些散居在挪威、瑞典、芬兰、俄罗斯等国北极圈以内那些气候恶劣地区拉普兰定居点的拉普兰人并不能算得上是真正遵循了他们祖先孤独的游牧民生活。
Relatively flat or undulating sandy turf-covered ground usually along a seashore. 砂丘相对平坦或有波状起伏的覆草沙地,通常在海岸边

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