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Large numbers of vehicles had to be abandoned because of the heavy snow.

Large numbers of elephants, black rhinoceroses, cheetahs, giraffes, hippopotamuses and crocodiles live in this immense sanctuary, which measures 50,000 sq. km and is relatively undisturbed by human impact. 塞卢斯禁猎区占地五万平方公里,在这个很少受人类干扰的广大的原野里生活着数量众多的大象、黑犀牛、印度豹、长颈鹿、河马以及鳄鱼。
Large numbers of farmers will also seek their fortunes in other parts of China. 同时也要有大量的农民去中国其他地区谋生。
Large numbers of people had to struggle on the verge of starvation. 那时许多人不得不在饥饿的边缘上挣扎。
Large numbers of talented perso have come to the fore in today‘s education circle. 在当今的教育界,已经涌现出了大批的优秀人才。
Large numbers of talented persons have come to the fore in today‘s education circle. 在当今的教育界,已经涌现出了大批的优秀人才。
Large numbers of vehicles had to be abandoned because of the heavy snow. 大量的机动车因降大雪不得不停驶。
Large packsof scrawny dogs wander aimlessly in search of food throughrubbish-strewn red desert camps. 大群大群瘦得皮包骨头的狗漫无目的地穿梭于扔满垃圾的沙漠红色营地之间,寻找着食物。
Large parts of SE Asia (e g 35% of Thailand,63% of the Philippines and 75% of Vietnam) are classified as hilly and mountainous. 东南亚的相当大部分属于丘陵山区(例如泰国占35%,菲律宾占63%,越南占75%)。
Large place with 6m×9m pillar net can meet the requirements of easily and reasonably dividing the production and processing places and provide the working members with comfortable working conditions. 宽敞的厂房(仓库)柱网6×9米,可尽方便合理安排生产加工场地,良好的自然条件,可为员工提供舒适的工作环境。
Large plane crashed 80 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but it was unknown if this crash was connected to terrorist attacks. 大型飞机在宾西法尼亚州匹兹堡市南80英里处坠毁,是否与恐怖攻击活动有关尚不得而知。
Large powdered wigs, usually white, with ringlets were sported by men and women. 男人和女人会很招摇地戴起大个的粉染卷状假发,这类假发通常是白色的。

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