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After the coffee and sandwiches,Inspector Walsh called Roger Clarkson to the office.Roger came in and sat down.The Inspector began at once.

After the chaos and carnage of September the 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers. 9.11大劫难之后,仅用法律手段对付我们的敌人是不够的。
After the chief accountant had bloodied Olive's nose about errors in the figures, she took much more care over checking them. 自从总会计师责备奥列夫在做帐时发生数字差错后,她在核对数字时小心多了。
After the christmas dinner, we all pitch in to clean up the house. 耶诞晚餐後,我们全都动手帮助清理房子。
After the clean leontiasis ossea, take just the right amount of even put on in the face, lightly massage to keep go to complete absorption. 用法:洁面后(化妆前),取适量均匀抹于面部,轻轻按摩直至完全吸收。
After the club's poor start to the season, most fans were unconcerned about whether Beckham signed a new deal. 在俱乐部本赛季可怜的开场之后,大多数的支持者都不关心贝克汉姆是否签订了新的合同。
After the coffee and sandwiches,Inspector Walsh called Roger Clarkson to the office.Roger came in and sat down.The Inspector began at once. 用完咖啡和三明治后,沃尔什探长叫罗杰·克拉克森到办公室,罗杰走进来坐下。探长马上就开始了提问。
After the coke being puted into the coke-quenching device ,the lid of the device should be shut at once.while the suction pump,refrigeration compressor,high pressured water circuling pump are started,the subpressure will be produced by the burning coke .T 当焦炭推上拦焦车进入熄焦器后,立即关闭罐盖,同时启动真空泵、冷冻机、高压循环水泵,这时,燃烧着的焦炭就会因真空泵把熄焦器内抽成负压,由于缺氧,使焦炭熄灭,虽然煤炭在瞬间被熄灭,但由于焦炭生成过程中所产生的大量的热量还存在,这时,冷冻机和夹层中的循环水的工作就会把焦炭中的热量带走,使之在短时间内将温度降到60℃以下,在这种状态下把焦炭从熄焦器内推出入库,焦炭就不会复燃。
After the cold war, the western nations take the humanitarianism as an excuse, misappropriate and abuse the name of international human right protection, and frequently carry out the policy of humanitarian intervention. 摘要冷战后,西方大国以人道主义为借口,盗用和滥用国际人权保护的名义,频繁地对外进行“人道主义干涉”。
After the collection of testing materials, 4 people in the group of testing materials collection visited the Tissue Culture Center, Dongmen Forestry Center and Nanning Chengda Sawmill, and exchanged information regarding tissue culture and eucalyptus wood 试材采集后,采集组的4位成员参观了东门林场组织培养中心和南宁成大锯材厂,和有关人员交换了组织培养过程和桉树锯材生产的信息,了解了桉树组织培养过程、锯材生产过程和干燥过程中存在的问题,以便在以后的科研中有的放矢。
After the commissioning, the elevator operates satisfactorily. 经过现场调试,运行情况良好。
After the company announced that it would raise the Vintage Moutai price by an average of 25% at the beginning of this year, we have been expecting a further price increase for normal Moutai spirit, as market retail price movements and accumulation in adv 公司在今年初宣布提升年份酒价25%,高盛就预计普通酒价也会在近期有所提升,这是因为通过对零售价提升和预先订货的现象观察,可以发现需求非常强烈,也给了价格提升的潜在需求。

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