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Their estrangement originated in a misunderstanding.

Their engagement was to be a secret but the ring on her finger let the cat out of the bag. 他们俩订婚原本想保密的,可是她手指上的戒指却把这个秘密泄露出来了。
Their engine would start to misfire causing it to make knocking noises. 他们的引擎就开始发出撞击的噪音,但并不起火。
Their enterprise ended in failure. 他们的努力终归失败。
Their equipment frequently broke down. 他们的设备经常坏。
Their esoteric doctrine the Kaballah (meaning: tradition) appeared in Jewish mystic circles in Spain and Southern France in the 12th century. 它们深奥的学说“喀巴拉”(意思是传统)在十二世纪出现在西班牙和法国南部的犹太神秘主义圈子中。
Their estrangement originated in a misunderstanding. 他们的隔阂是由误会而起。
Their evaluation of China and the Chinese culture constantly changes with their different self-cognition and self-evaluation, and depends on their different demand on this alien culture. 他们对中国和中国文化的评价在不断的自我认识和评价的过程中随时发生着变化,也同样取决于他们对这种异质文化有着怎样的需求。
Their exact origin is unknown,but they predate the arrival of missionaries to China,and speak eloquently of the message which motivated Daddy to devote his life to serving the people of China. 他们确切的籍贯无从查考,但他们把到中国的传教之旅提前了,他们巧舌如簧地传递着信息,促使父亲从此把毕生精力致力于在中国向人们传教。
Their executive ability is considerable. 巨蟹座的执行能力是相当强的。
Their experiences led professionals and families to take a hard look at the role of cultural identity in fostering a resilient sense of self. 他们的生活体验导致专家和收养家庭开始注意民族文化在建立孩子富有生气的自我意识过程中起着不可忽视的作用。
Their experimental treatment will be used on canine patients in the next year. 这种治疗方法明年将会被用于患病的犬类。

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