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The brother with whom he had quarreled returned to his own tent - his conscience would not permit him to offer his trespass offering, since he had not been reconciled to his brother, and he grieves the loss of his relationship with his brother and his God

The brooch might be the most accessible fashion trend to come along in a decade. And that is precisely why the fashion industry has pronounced it dead. 胸针可能是十年中最容易追随的流行时尚了。而那正是时尚行业宣布它的结束的原因。
The brook was alive with various kinds of fish. (小溪中有各式各样的鱼。
The brooms made by a 300-year-old family-run broomstick business in Hampshire were chosen to appear in the fourth Harry Potter film. 一家位于英国汉普郡的拥有300年历史的家庭作坊生产的长柄扫帚被哈里·波特系列电影第四部选中。
The brothel, built in 1733 in the ancient town of Jinggang, Hunan Province, is teetering on the verge of collapse and the local government has been pressed to make a decision on its historic value. 该妓院建于1733的湖南省井冈山古镇,现在已经摇摇欲坠行将倒塌了,而当地政府正受到各方的压力,要对该址的历史价值作出一个判断。
The brother have forme a new company. 兄弟几个组建了一个新公司。
The brother with whom he had quarreled returned to his own tent - his conscience would not permit him to offer his trespass offering, since he had not been reconciled to his brother, and he grieves the loss of his relationship with his brother and his God 那个和他吵架的弟兄回到自己的帐篷——他的良心不容他去献赎罪祭,因为他并没有和他的弟兄和好,他为他和他兄以及和神之间关系的破灭和伤心。
The brothers are meditating they cannot be disturbed. 我们的同胞认为他们无法帮忙。
The brothers differ from each other in their interests. 这几个兄弟各有所好。
The brothers got their big idea from a friend. 两兄弟从一位朋友那儿得到这个了不起的点子。
The brothers got together and worked out a plan. 于是两兄弟就商量人员的住宿方法。
The brothers immediately sent Paul to the coast, but Silas and Timothy stayed at Berea. 14当时弟兄们便打发保罗往海边去。西拉和提摩太仍住在庇哩亚。

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