Sam:My life here is very nice. Everyday is a new story and full of fun andhappiness.
我在这里生活愉悦。每一天都是一个新的故事,充满趣味。 |
Sam:Well.Now,let's get down to talk.First of all,would you please say something about yourself?
山姆:好,现在我们开始谈吧。首先,请你谈谈你自己。 |
Sam:Yeah, I always have a barbecue with my family. We sit out on the roof, eating grilled beef and pork, and just enjoying the evening.
有呀,我总是会和家人一起烤肉。我们坐在外面的屋顶上,吃烤牛肉和猪肉,并享受晚间的时刻。 |
San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker (top) and Phoenix Suns forward Quentin Richardson watch the ball hang on the rim during first half action in Game 4 of the 2005 NBA Western Conference Finals in San Antonio, Texas, May 30, 2005.
2005年5月30日,菲尼克斯太阳队队员理查德(下)与圣安东尼奥马刺队队员帕克在比赛中争抢篮板。 |
San Antonio has finished in the top five in both categories in each of Duncan's 10 seasons.
邓肯在马刺队的十个赛季,有五个赛季这两个统计排进联盟前五名。 |
San Antonio's lead was 16 at half time and 27 after three, meaning Popovich's starters spent most of the second half on the sideline thinking about Cavaliers and Pistons.
马刺半场领先16分,第三节过后领先27分,这就意味着波波维奇的首发球员们在下半场大部分时间里都作壁上观,一边还琢磨着骑士和活塞。 |
San Cristobal is an agricultural Municipality, famous for sugar-cane and tobacco and grape cultivation.
圣克里斯托佛是一个农业大区,以烟草,糖业以及葡萄栽培而闻名。 |
San Diego enjoys a wonderful, temperate Southern California climate, similar in fact to the Mediterranean, which can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors all year round.
圣迭哥具有温暖、舒适的南加利福尼亚气候,与地中海的气候类似,无论在室内还是室外,您都可以全年在这里享受宜人的气候。 |
San Diego is home to National University.
圣迭哥是国家大学的发展源泉。 |
San Diego lost to the Tigers in 1984 and was swept by the Yankees in 1998.
圣地牙哥在1984年输给老虎队,1998年则被洋基队横扫。 |
San Diego, California, USA, is home to 20,000 East Africans, more than half of them refugees from civil war in Somalia.
目前有两万名东非人以美国加州圣地牙哥为家,其中过半是索马利亚内战的难民。 |