Along with their dog (Santa's Little Helper) and cat (Snowball II), the family reside at 742 Springfield Terrace.
这一家人连同他们的狗(圣诞老人的小助手)和猫(雪球二世)住在斯普林菲尔德742街。 |
Along with their in-depth discussion ,the new problem has exposed gradually.
随着他们讨论的深入新的问题也冒了出来。 |
Along with these invader: came chroniclers and critics like Al-beruni who studied Indian society and polity.
连同这些侵略者在一起:出现了像研究印度社会和政治的阿尔—伯鲁尼这样的年代记录者和批评家。 |
Along with this disparagement of a compliment is the American tendency to laugh at one's own mistakes and admit one's weaknesses.
美国人的趋势是不规范的赞美,大笑别人的错误和承认别人的不足。 |
Along with this network, 300 high-speed dial-up lines provided by the University enable students to access the Intranet and Internet at home or in the dormitory, bringing great convenience to their study.
全面覆盖校园每个课室、办公室、图书馆及学生宿舍的网络,加上300条拨号线路,令学生无论在家中或者宿舍,都可以接入校园的电脑系统上网,为学习和上课提供了极大的方便。 |
Along with this trait, they also like to be in control.
除此之外,他们还喜欢担任领导。 |
Along with three Grand Slam titles, Roger dished out 18 bagels - up from the 11 he served up in 2004 when he won this award for the first time.
三次大满贯赛事中,费德勒一共送出了18个面圈,超过04年首次获此殊荣时的11个。 |
Along with tile rapid development of chirality science, the preparation of optically active chiral lactones is becoming increasingly important for research in chemistry and biochemistry.
摘要随着手性科学的快速发展,获取手性内酯的单一对映体具有重要的研究和应用价值。 |
Along with toll-gate of thorough, the flotage speed of the wooden board would be more and more quick, and, there will be to fly at the overhanging cliff central part of the sea gull obstruction player jump up, however believe as long as practice much and
随着关卡的深入,木板的漂浮速度会越来越快,而且,在悬崖中部,会有飞翔的海鸥阻挠玩家的跳跃,不过相信只要多多练习,熟练掌握下落的时间,应该可以顺利通关。 |
Along with two accomplices, the programmer who was in charge of creating assets for the game Legend of Mir II created his own virtual assets without permission and then sold them for $260,000.
共同被判的还有其两名同谋,某位程序员在没有被授权的情况下私自编写了自己角色的虚拟物件并把它们以26万美元的价格售卖出去。 |
Along with uncertainty, there are fears that prosecutors in some places won't play fair.
不但没有把握,而且还有一种恐惧,那就是一些地方的检察官可能执法不公。 |