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According to the problem of the ornamental horticulture company,the value-increasing management is explained in detail,including market analysis and forecast,risk of demand and supply,production,nursing,higher added-value,and manpower capital.The evaluati

According to the principles of physical measurement, the measurement of ground resistance do not posses repeatability and univalue. Practice show that the ground resistance is an unscientific physical quantity. 摘要根据物理量测量的基本原则可以看出,接地电阻的测定不具有重复性和单值性,实践显示,接地电阻是一个无法测定的物理量。
According to the principles of unequilibrium electric bridge,this paper analyses the work features of the three bridge types and based on experiments,shows how to select the bridge types and parametes.To reduce the non-linear errors and avoid centain unus 从非平衡电桥测电阻原理出发,分析了3种桥式的工作特性,并通过实例说明如何选取电桥的桥式与参数,以减少测量的非线性误差及避免一些异常情况。
According to the private poll conducted in February, 22.8% of respondents said they would vote for the “king's party”, as the PML-Q is known; 31.7% chose the PPP. 根据2月的一次私人民意调查表明,22.8%的受访者称他们会投给“国王的党”,这是PML-Q的别称;31.7%的人选择了PPP。
According to the problem of failure and instability in roadbed and cutting engineering of underground karat cavity, on the basis of inhomogeneous elastic damage model, this thesis propose the FEM back-analysis from instability-strength degradation, to des 摘要针对地下溶洞路床路堑工程变形与失稳问题,本文提出了基于非均质弹性损伤模型的有限元失稳-强度折减反分析法,认为材料参数服从统计分布来描述材料的非均匀性。
According to the problem of serious heterogeneity, conflicts among reservoirs, low energy of wells, etc.of Wenmingzhai and Mazhai oil fields, this paper studies and applied the technique of temporary plugging separate zone acidizing with 100%of success, 8 针对文明寨、马寨油田非均质性严重、层间矛盾突出、油井能量低、笼统酸化酸液易进入高渗透层、卡封分层酸化应用范围窄且无法改善层间矛盾的现状,研制应用了暂堵分层酸化工艺,工艺成功率100%,有效率85.7%,投入产出达1∶10.2,取得了好的效果。
According to the problem of the ornamental horticulture company,the value-increasing management is explained in detail,including market analysis and forecast,risk of demand and supply,production,nursing,higher added-value,and manpower capital.The evaluati 针对观赏园艺公司存在的主要问题,引入增值管理的理念,从市场预测、供求风险、产品生产、产品养护、产品高附加值和人力资本等6个方面,详细阐释了增值管理的措施;探讨并建立了评价体系和指标,为优化观赏园艺公司的管理提供了新思路。
According to the problems existed in making use of raw casein producing casein, such as the casein's color turns to yellow without luster, we used centrifuge, then treated with sulphite and antioxidants, the casein's color became white or light yellow and 摘要针对用曲拉原料生产的干酪素颜色发黄、无光泽等问题,采用离心过滤,亚硫酸盐,抗氧化剂处理,研究其对产品色泽改善的效果。
According to the problems in the experimental teaching in the economic and management majors, such as difficulty in connecting production spots, backward lab construction, simple function, and management diversification, compute simulation in practice tea 摘要针对当前经管类专业实验教学存在的联系生产现场实习困难、实验室建设滞后、功能单一、管理分散等问题,提出用计算机模拟实践教学,创新经管类实验中心的对策,并就经管类综合实验中心的设计原则、设计要点及建设思路等问题进行探讨。
According to the problems occurred during the first stage of five well drillings in Qianmiqiao Qianshan Structure,technical measures,such as optimal well configuration,bottom hole assembly,bit type and drilling fluid were taken during the second stage of 分析了千米桥潜山构造第一阶段5口井施工过程中遇到的技术难题,从优化井身结构、优选钻具组合、钻头优选、优选钻井液体系及组织管理等方面给出了相应的技术措施和对策,并在第二阶段5口井的施工中进行了应用,且取得了明显的效果,为大港油田千米桥潜山构造的勘探开发奠定了坚实的基础。
According to the problems of the construction of the second classroom, this paper explains several methods to strengthen the construction of the second classroom; and puts forward that the second classroom should reinforce the function of ideological and 本文针对第二课堂建设中存在的问题,具体阐述了新时期加强学生第二课堂建设的若干途径和方法,指出高校学生第二课堂应当强化思想政治教育功能,并努力与社会实践、对外交流等相关因素结合,发挥整体合力,为促进大学生的全面发展以及构建和谐的校园文化有所助益。
According to the process of the mono-lever manipulator's data acquistion, two effective processing methods-floating zero and nonlinear are presented. 就单杆操纵器读值的处理,提出了浮动零点、非线性处理这两个行之有效的处理方法。

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