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One might therefore expect Brazilians, who remember the crises of 2002, 1999 and 1998, to respond to America's current woes with empathy—and not a little fear.

One might expect a game of logic to appeal to very few people—mathematicians, maybe, computer geeks, compulsive gamblers. 大家可能认为,只有很少数的人如数学家、电脑怪胎、嗜赌之徒,会对逻辑游戏感兴趣。
One might lose his bearings in an unfamiliar place. 一个人在不熟悉的地方最容易迷路。
One might not expect this difference to matter much now. 人们可能认为这一分歧现在不会有多大影响。
One might point out, for instance, that during the long period from the early days on the Industrial Revolution to modern times, much of the growth in productivity and material wealth in industrial nations came not just from creative inventions like the s 比如,有人可能会指出,从工业化革命早期到现代社会这么长的一段时间里,工业化国家生产力和物质财富的增长很多不仅仅是因为象蒸汽机这样的发明,而是因为“大量做饭”这类商业方法的广泛应用,如大规模劳动分工,集中资产,垂直统一管理以及规模经济。
One might recall Leonardo Da Vinci's drawing of an egg, Wang Xi Zhi practicing handwriting, or Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb, for example. 例如,人们可能会想到莱昂纳多.达芬奇画蛋,王羲之练习书法和托马斯.爱迪生发明电灯的故事。
One might therefore expect Brazilians, who remember the crises of 2002, 1999 and 1998, to respond to America's current woes with empathy—and not a little fear. 人们也许会估计那些对2002,1999,及1998年危机有印象的巴西人对美国最近的金融危机抱有同感---而不仅仅是害怕。
One might think that it takes amazing skills in both programming as well as mathematics to do such effects. 一个可行的想法是使用数学技巧也能做出如此令人惊奇的效果。
One might think that the kind of keen observation a poet needs to write as you do would be valuable to business, yet I don't know of many businesses that place much value in poets in general. 人们也许会以为像你这样的诗人所具有的敏锐观察能力对企业会有好处,但一般说起来,我不知道有多少企业界对诗人的价值有所认知。
One might think this policy signals that Smith professors are administratively weak relative to deans. 某人可能认为这个方针表示了校长与史密斯的老师们关系不牢固。
One might well state that China and America are the major representatives of the Oriental and Occidental Civilizations. 中国与美国可以说是东西方两大文明的代表。
One might wonder whether the term has any real substance and meaning. 人们也许想知道这个词是否有真实的实体意义。

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