Many people in Taiwan get a therapeutic massage every week.
许多在台湾的人每星期都让人推拿按摩。 |
Many people in nursing home are has been.
许多在养老院里的人,过去很有名现在没名了. |
Many people in that country died because of dearth of food.
那个国家有许多人因为缺少粮食而死。 |
Many people in the hospital died from dysentery, a disease associated with terrible diarrhea.
当时,许多医院内的病人都死于痢疾,这种病常会导致严重的腹泻。 |
Many people in the luxury hotel ballroom-perhaps half of the executives, financiers, entrepreneurs, and journalists-were also online that morning.
当天上午在这个豪华酒店的会场里坐着的官员,金融家,企业家和记者中的一些人,也许有一半在上网看着我和多克不断更新的日志以供消遣吧。 |
Many people in the world are his fans.
世界上许多人都是他的影迷。 |
Many people in the world long for the World Cup to begin.
世界上许多人都热切盼望世界杯开赛。 |
Many people in this life deny their freedom.
有许多人否认他们的自由。 |
Many people including Liang Qichao didn't criticize traditional view on virtuous women; rather they expect that in the future men and women could share equal rights.
梁启超等的贤妻良母主义,来自美国传教士和日本近代思想家,但他们未批判传统“贤妻”观,而将“男女平权”寄望于将来。 |
Many people join in the game every year.
(每年许多人参加这个游戏活动。) |
Many people like Jay, including some adults/ some adults included.
很多人都喜欢周杰伦,包括一些成年人. |