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When school I am an extremely outstanding youth, obtains the provincial level outstanding graduate, with city level outstanding class cadre, excellent league member, outstanding healthy, studious, and helpful student, entire school oratorical contest firs

When sales revenues started to drop significantly below our monthly target levels, our company's top management decided that we needed an immediate period of retrenchment. . 当销售收入开始大大低于我们每月的预期时,公司的高层领导决定立即削减开支。
When salt and pepper shakers are greasy to touch or half empty . 盐及胡椒瓶是油滑的,或是半空的。
When salt-coagulants: malt dextrin was 1:3, the quality of instant soybean curd was better. 盐类凝固剂:麦芽糊精为1:3时,所得的即食豆腐脑产品较好。
When saying yes, say it with a smile; when saying no, say it clearly and resolutely. 答应请求时面带微笑,说不的时候清晰肯定.。
When scholars studied Wang Fu's philosophic thought, they reached different conclusions from data of the distinct edition. 因爲汪继培曾对《潜夫论》进行过一次整理,造成了有两个不同版本的《潜夫论》行世。
When school I am an extremely outstanding youth, obtains the provincial level outstanding graduate, with city level outstanding class cadre, excellent league member, outstanding healthy, studious, and helpful student, entire school oratorical contest firs 工作后我也同样是医院的骨干力量,我在八荣八耻演讲比赛中获得全医院一等奖,有获得全市第一名!
When scientists fly into remote areas of Siberia to study permafrost, they gaze down on an endless expanse of arctic lakes. 当科学家们飞到遥远的西伯利亚研究永久冻土带时,他们发现了一处一直在膨胀的北极湖。
When scientists look up into the night sky, they see stars, planets and the moon. 科学家仰天细观夜空,看到的是恒星、行星和月亮。
When scouting or spying , kapaks dress in dark color and avoid cumbersome armor . 当搜索或者侦察的时候,卡帕克龙人穿着深色服装,同时避免装备重甲。
When sea water is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. 海水冻结时,溶于其中的物质被留了下来。
When searching for strings in Combo boxes, the search is always case-insensitive. 当在组合框中搜索字符串时,搜索总是大小写不敏感的。

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