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The traditional teacher-student relationship is teacher-center, now, however, students' learning activities becomes a new model.

The traditional route to its base camp goes from Skardu, which is linked with Islamabad by a good road. 伊斯兰堡和斯卡都(巴基斯坦巴尔蒂斯坦首府)之间有条路况良好的大路相连接,因此通往大本营的传统路线都是从斯卡都起程的。
The traditional skill of making up face now is used to make up leg. 传统的拉脸毛美容技法如今被应用到拉腿毛上。
The traditional spirit and culture of the poverty-stricken minorities of Yunnan, as an important part of cultural inheritance, has exerted great influence on the content, form and traits of cultural inheritance. 摘要作为文化传承的重要组成部分,云南特困民族传统精神文化对文化传承的内容、形式及特点都产生了重要影响。
The traditional statistics techniques, the final group option is frequently debatable and stuck in a harassing working environment owing to lack of a objective and transparent group consensus reaching process to deal with contradictory and conflicting jud 摘要传统的统计分析技术,由于缺乏一套客观与透明的群体决策共识达成机制,去处理成员间的冲突与看法上的不一致,以致行销部门最后决选出来的行销方案,往往在充满被质疑、无法团结一致与同心协力的环境下执行。
The traditional symbol for the Sagittarius constellation depicts an arrow being shot from its bow by a centaur. 射手座:射手座的符号象征射手的箭,回到象形的简单形式;由射手座的神话可以看出射手座的智慧和爱好自由。
The traditional teacher-student relationship is teacher-center, now, however, students' learning activities becomes a new model. 摘要传统教学中的师生关系是教师教、学生学,而现代教学变成了学生自主选择自主学习的新的模式。
The traditional teaching mode is monotonous, abstract and obscure, and has a negative effect on the teaching quality. 传统教学模式单调、抽象、难懂,影响教学质量。
The traditional technique of lumbar puncture in myelography may have a relatively low success rate and uses much more time in difficult cases. 摘要利用传统的腰椎穿刺方式来处理某些困难的个案时,成功率通常较低,也常耗费较多的时间。
The traditional theories of exchange rate determination only analyze the macroeconomical factors of signal country. 摘要在考虑汇率的影响因素时,传统的汇率决定理论主要是从一国的宏观基本因素进行分析。
The traditional trapezoid style could be used as a practical tool for cooking during blackout. 传统的梯形风格可在停电时被用作实用的烹饪工具。
The traditional understanding has been that each sensory input acquires the same average amount of area in a cortical map during development, and thus the enlarged representation of a sensory fovea simply reflects the greater number of neurons collecting 传统上认为,在发育过程中,每个感觉输入在皮质地图上平均取得同样大的领土,因此负责中央窝的区域增大了,就代表有更多的神经元从中央窝收集讯息。

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