A: Unused DDF is carried over for use in a future year. |
中文意思: 答:未使用之经费将移入下一年来使用。 |
A: Umm... Err... They are energy bullets, and energy bullets defy normal laws of physics.
他们是一种子弹能,子弹量不合物理学规律. |
A: Um…what's the symbol of love in China?
嗯……在中国,爱情的象征是什么? |
A: Unbelievable! How did you get the answer?
难以置信。你怎么知道的答案? |
A: Under federal law, you’re entitled to a free credit report if a company takes adverse action against you, such as denying your application for credit, insurance, or employment, and you ask for your report within 60 days of receiving notice of the actio
答:根据联邦法律,你有权自由信用报告,如果公司采取不利行动对付你如你拒绝申请信贷、保险或雇用你请你们接到通知后60天内报告的行动. |
A: Until and including VFP7 there were only these dumb 16 color icons. But with a trick, it was still possible.
一直到VFP7,都是只使用16色图标。但是通过技巧却可以实现的。 |
A: Unused DDF is carried over for use in a future year.
答:未使用之经费将移入下一年来使用。 |
A: Verify that you have the correct muffler system.
核实,您有正确消音器系统。 |
A: Very close, they had a Hasbro adviser there as the wrote.
很密切,拍摄方请来了孩之宝的顾问。 |
A: Very common. Over 70% of the population experiences these problems.
相当普遍,超过70%的人都有过这样的历过。 |
A: Very impressive, indeed, especially the speed of your NW Model.
很好,尤其是你们的NW型机器的速度。 |
A: Very likely: in the case of a posterior vitreous separation, it is very common for the same condition to occur in the second eye within a year.
非常有可能。对于晚期的玻璃质的分离的这种情况,在一年内会在第二只眼睛中产生同样的病症是很普遍的。 |