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Bad gains are truly losses.

Bad dietary habits often interfere with health. 不良的饮食习惯常常妨碍健康。
Bad drivers in eastern Hungary will be left with a sour taste in their mouths next month when school students will accompany traffic police and hand out pieces of lemon along with a fine. 下个月,匈牙利东部的在校学生将和交警一起给违规司机开具罚单,并送给这些司机一片柠檬含在口中.
Bad eyesight is less common in this part. 这地区很少有视力差的人。
Bad flavor in milk could produce because of microorganism and physiochemical reason. 由于加工过程中微生物和理化的原因,容易使乳制品产生不良风味。
Bad food is a source of illness. 坏了的食物是疾病之源。
Bad gains are truly losses. 不正当的所得才是真正的损失。
Bad global symbol definition: '' in object file '' 对象文件''中错误的全局符号定义''
Bad habit corrupt good manners. 坏习惯败坏好风俗。
Bad habits are difficult to break off once they are formed. 坏习惯一旦形成就很难改掉.
Bad habits are very difficult to break off once they are formed. 坏习惯一旦形成就很难改掉.
Bad hook always come from a series of wrong action: First, your coax sway toward target direction when down swing, which causes large space between the club and your back and swing through wholly from inside to outside. 严重的左曲球通常来自一连串的错误动作:首先,开始下杆时,髋部过猛地向着目标方向摆动,致使球杆与身后的间隔过大,造成了完全从里到外的挥杆轨迹。

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