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According to these numbers, there was a spike in use of electricity in July.

According to theory of fractal geometry, the relations of fragmentation distribution of blasting lumps and the fractals of fragmentation was got, and then established the relation of coal blasting lumps fragmentation of fractal value and parameters of bla 摘要根据分形几何理论得出爆堆块度分布和块度分维数的关联关系,然后根据现场爆堆块度分布建立爆堆块度分维值与爆破参数的关系,从而达到指导人们进行爆破参数优化,拉制煤体爆破块度,进行爆前的块度估算和块度预测的目的。
According to theory, the event horizon of a black hole that is not spinning is spherical, and its singularity is (informally speaking) a single point. 依照理论,不旋转的黑洞活动视界是球形的,而且它的奇异点是(非正式说法)是单一点。
According to these anomalous implications, some possible areas for gas hydrates are pointed out, such as the Xisha Trough, the Dongsha island slope, the marginal Bijianan basin, the North Luzon Trench, the Nansha Troug, the Middle-south to Southwest Okina 中国近海海域的西沙海槽、东沙群岛岛坡、笔架南盆地、北吕宋海槽、南沙海槽、冲绳海槽中南部至西南部等是天然气水合物的可能赋存区。
According to these characters, water-inrush from coal floor could be hindered through adjusting and controllong the water-inrush condition from coal floor, so that the purpose of preventing the water-inrush from coal floor could be achieved. 根据这些特性,可通过调控煤层底板突水条件使之不突水,从而达到煤层底板突水治理并防患于未然的目的。
According to these figures, our company is doing well. 从这些数字来看,我们的公司经营得不错。
According to these numbers, there was a spike in use of electricity in July. 根据数据显示,七月份用电量剧增。
According to these properties, the Fiber Bragg Grating will have a good prospect in application in the field of high buildings, girders, dams, nuclear reactors and etc. 光纤光栅传感器适用于高层建筑、桥梁、水坝、核反应堆等需要密切注意温度、压力、应变变化状态的场所,其市场前景广阔。
According to these results combined with exploration practice, foot favorable exploration zones are selected, these are the integrated anticline traps below the Tertiary gypsum halite, gypsum mudstone in Kuqa foreland thrust belts, the second and the thir 依据理论分析及勘探实践,优选出4个有利的勘探区带,它们是:①库车前陆冲断带古近系、新近系膏盐岩、膏泥岩之下的完整背斜圈闭;②准南前陆冲断带第二、第三排构造带;③川西北部及南部燕山运动期古隆起、川中平缓褶皱构造带以及深坳陷内部的非常规天然气;④柴北缘冷湖-南八仙构造带。
According to these so-called existentialists - they are all Nietzsche's adherents - existence has no wisdom at all. 根据这些所谓的存在主义者--他们都是尼采的追随者--存在绝对是没有智慧的。
According to these so-called existentialists - they are all Nietzsche's followers - Existence is not wise at all. 根据这些所谓的存在主义者--他们都是尼采的追随者--存在绝对是没有智慧的。
According to thinking relevant to the formulation of the scheme for the project of recovery of waste heat from low-temperature blown gas, the design of a short-type unit with water-cooled walls for co-production of heat and power from subhigh pressure blo 摘要按编制低温吹风气余热回收工程方案的有关思路,介绍了带水冷壁的矮型次高压吹风气热电联产装置的设计情况。

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