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Camphor oil has recently been evaluated for its effectiveness in treating demodicoses that often occur with rosacea.

Campell: the five largest PMCs are run by a dummy corporation which acts as a single mother commany. 五个最大的PMC都是通过一个伪装过的母公司来运作。
Campers associate with people they like and trust. 职业道德和教学水平为我们赢得了学员的喜爱与信任。
Campfire building is also an important skill for every camper. 因此生火成为每一个露营者的一项重要技巧。
Camphor and sugar-making were the two “exemplary” Japanese colonial industries in Taiwan, the strategic moves of Japanese colonization were 1)Military aggression; 2)Controlling the raw material and enslavement of labor force; 3)Exporting products through 樟脑与制糖工业是日人据台最典型的殖民工业:武力侵略→夺取原料、奴役劳力→加工成品→运回母国、外销赚钱。
Camphor is used to keep moths away from clothes. 樟脑是用来驱逐衣服上的虫子的。
Camphor oil has recently been evaluated for its effectiveness in treating demodicoses that often occur with rosacea. 樟脑油对常常出现在酒糟鼻中螨虫治疗有效。
Camping away from the water's edge also allows access routes for wild life. 离开水源露营给野生动物让一条取水的路。
Camping holidays vs. hotels. 露营对阵假日酒店.
Camping in Undisturbed Remote Areas: Pristine areas are usually remote, see few visitors, and have no obvious impacts. 在未被干扰的边远地区:原生的地方通常很远,很少来访者,而且没有明显的影响。
Camping in summer is just what I have in mind. 夏日野营正是我心里想的。
Camping is ideal for lovers of the outdoors. 对喜爱户外活动生活的人而言,露营是最理想的活动。

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